Changing the current editor and document status

You can update the editor and document status of an existing DMS object in a d.3 repository without the need for action by the user. Mappings are required before the action can be performed. In the Basic information about mapping chapter, you can find general information for helping you to create mappings.

To change the editor or document status of a DMS object, you must perform the following steps:

  • Determining the URL for a repository

  • Determine the link relation for the existing DMS object

  • Open the URL for changing the editor or document status of a DMS object

Determining the URL for a repository 

In the chapter Determining a repository, you can learn how to determine the URL for a repository.

Determine the link relation for the existing DMS object 

To determine a URL for an existing DMS object, perform a search and evaluate the displayVersion link relation for an item in the result list. The chapter Retrieving and viewing the results of a search operation provides you with more information about performing a search and the description of a result list item.

Opening the URL for changing the DMS object status and editor 

Send an HTTP PUT request with the required properties as the Body to the URL of the current available version of the DMS object that you received in the displayVersion link relation.

You can find descriptions of the JSON object transferred with the PUT request below:




Target state of the document. Possible values:

  • Processing 

  • Verification 

  • Release 


Mandatory field for the target status Processing and optional for the target status Verification. The parameter is ignored in other target statuses. Possible values:

  • Target status Processing: User or group ID to which the document is to be assigned.

  • Target status Verification: Group ID to which the document is to be assigned.

You can use the IDs from both d.ecs identity provider and the DMS system.


Mandatory field for the target status Release.

Text (max. 120 bytes) that is stored when the status changes for the document version. You can provide information about the extent of the change, for example.

Example 1: Changing a document status to “Processing” or changing the editor with your own mapping 

Ensure that mapping exists in which the value myprop1_ID is set to property_state and myprop2_ID is set to property_editor.


Origin: https://baseuri
Accept: application/hal+json
Content-Type: application/hal+json  

   "sourceId": "/myapp/sources/mysource",
   "sourceProperties": {
      "properties": [
            "key": "myprop1_ID",
            "values": [
            "key": "myprop2_ID",
            "values": [

If the call is successful, HTTP 200 OK is returned:


HTTP/1.1 200 OK

Example 2: Changing a document status to “Processing” or changing the editor with standard mapping 


Origin: https://baseuri
Accept: application/hal+json
Content-Type: application/hal+json

   "sourceId": "/dms/r/dee1f3d3-eae8-5d9d-84d8-2d758c5ddc27/source",
   "sourceProperties": {
      "properties": [
            "key": "property_state",
            "values": [
            "key": " property_editor",
            "values": [

If the call is successful, HTTP 200 OK is returned:


HTTP/1.1 200 OK

Example 3: Changing a document status to “Release” with standard mapping 


Origin: https://baseuri
Accept: application/hal+json
Content-Type: application/hal+json 

   "sourceId": "/dms/r/dee1f3d3-eae8-5d9d-84d8-2d758c5ddc27/source",
   "alterationText": "updated file",
   "sourceProperties": {
      "properties": [
            "key": "property_state",
            "values": [

If the call is successful, HTTP 200 OK is returned:


HTTP/1.1 200 OK

If the change of editor or document status fails, an appropriate response is returned. For more information see Response format for errors.