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Connecting external systems (DMSApp)

In this chapter, you can learn how to connect external systems (third-party applications) to DMSApp to create mapping in DMSApp. From the perspective of DMSApp, an external system represents a source system. In the Basic information about mapping chapter, you can find general information for helping you to create mappings.

Defining a source system

Released: Extension point

If you have an system that provides output data (e.g. an e-mail application or an ERP system), you must prepare the items of the d.3 repository source system for the creation of mapping. An item in a source system is referred to as a source. A source contains source properties and source categories. By defining a source, you give DMSApp the opportunity to connect the identifier for the source metadata to the identifiers for the d.3 repository metadata.

Preparing your app

To ensure that DMSApp can find source systems, your app must provide this user interface. To find apps that act as source systems, DMSApp uses the concept of an HTTP GET request for the root resource (systemBaseUri path with the app name) for the apps. All apps registered to the d.ecs http gateway will be requested. Make sure that the administrator did not actively exclude your app.

Providing the URL for the sources

The root resources for the apps are requested cyclically. The response of an app is then checked to determine whether a link relation with the name sources is included. This link relation serves as the signal that the app, acting as the source system, offers at least one source for DMSApp. DMSApp executes an HTTP GET request to the specified link and waits for a standardized JSON object with the HTTP status code 200 from the responding app.


GET https://host/myapp/ HTTP/1.1
Accept: application/hal+json


HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Type: application/hal+json

    "_links" : {
        "sources" : {
            "href" : "/myapp/sources"


The root resources are queried anonymously (without authentication) and this process is executed as an asynchronous background process within DMSApp.

Providing sources

Once the URLs of the sources (sources) have been determined, DMSApp opens the sources of the apps using HTTP GET.

The example shows how to arrange the HTTP response of the sources link relation in order to identify sources for DMSApp.


GET https://host/myapp/sources HTTP/1.1
Accept: application/hal+json


HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Type: application/hal+json

        "sources" : [{
                "id" : "/myapp/sources/mysource",
                "displayName" : "My Source",
                "categories": [{
                        "key": "mycategory1_ID", 
                        "displayName": "My category 1"
                        "key": "mycategory2_ID", 
                        "displayName": "My category 2"
                "properties" : [{
                        "key" : "myprop1_ID",
                        "displayName" : "My property 1"
                        "key" : "myprop2_ID",
                        "displayName" : "My property 2"
                        "key" : "myprop3_ID",
                        "displayName" : "My property 3"

Structure of a source


Property of a contained object




The source system can deliver multiple sources in this array (e.g. e-mail, attachments, etc.) in order to distinguish between different mapping types.


Indicates the unique identifier of the source.

The ID must be a relative URI. The relative URI should start with the name of the app that provides the source system in order to ensure uniqueness (e.g. /myapp/sources/mysource).


Indicates the display name as displayed in the Source field in the Mappings administrator interface.

For internationalization purposes, DMSApp works with the HTTP header Accept-Language. This HTTP header must be evaluated by the source system, and the display name for the source must be displayed in the corresponding language.


Indicates the array of the categories for the source that are provided for managing and processing mapping.


Indicates the array of the properties for the source that are provided for managing and processing mapping.

Structure of a source category




Indicates the unique identifier of the source category.


Indicates the display name as displayed in the Source field in the Categories area on the Mappings administration user interface.

For internationalization purposes, DMSApp works with the HTTP header Accept-Language. This HTTP header must be evaluated by the source system, and the display name for the category must be displayed in the corresponding language.

Structure of a source property




Indicates the unique identifier of the source property.


Indicates the display name as displayed in the Source field in the Source area on the Mappings administration user interface.

For internationalization, DMSApp works with the HTTP header Accept-Language. This HTTP header must be evaluated by the source system, and the display name for the property must be displayed in the corresponding language.


Make sure that: The sources must be returned quickly in order to ensure that the response time of the Mappings feature is not negatively affected.

Retrieving the default source system for a d.3 repository

Released: JSON representation

The default source system is a predefined source system for each d.3 repository which is provided by default by the DMS app. When you provide an extension to DMS functions and do not want to define your own source system, you can use the properties and categories of the d.3 repository with the default source system.

The definition of a default source system and the associated mappings are set by the DMS app. You cannot change mappings for a default source system.

This chapter explains how to retrieve the source system definition for each d.3 repository.

To retrieve the source system definition of a d.3 repository, you must perform the following steps:

  • Determining the URL for a repository

  • Determine the link relation for retrieving the source system definition of a d.3 repository

  • Open the URL for the source system definition of a d.3 repository

Determining the URL for a repository

In the chapter Determining a repository, you can learn how to determine the URL for a repository.

Determine the link relation for retrieving the source system definition of a d.3 repository

The JSON object for a d.3 repository contains the link relation source which you can use to retrieve the source system definition of the d.3 repository.


        "_links": {
                "source": {
                        "href": "/dms/r/dee1f3d3-eae8-5d9d-84d8-2d758c5ddc27/source"
        "id": "dee1f3d3-eae8-5d9d-84d8-2d758c5ddc27"

Open the URL for the source system definition of a d.3 repository

You need to ensure that you can authenticate yourself for the d.3 repository. Only then you can retrieve the URL. The default source system contains all categories and properties of the d.3 repository regardless of the permissions of the user.

Retrieve the source system definition of the d.3 repository with the previously determined URL as follows:


GET https://host/dms/r/dee1f3d3-eae8-5d9d-84d8-2d758c5ddc27/source HTTP/1.1
Accept: application/hal+json


HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Type: application/hal+json

        "id": "/dms/r/dee1f3d3-eae8-5d9d-84d8-2d758c5ddc27/source",
        "displayName": "D3RepositoryName",
        "properties": [
                        "key": "Key0",
                        "type": "String",
                        "displayName": "Sample property1"
                        "key": "mycategory1_ID",
                        "displayName": "Sample category1"

Structure of a source




Specifies the unique identifier of the default source system. You use this ID as a value for the parameter sourceId for more API functions.


Specifies the display name of a d.3 repository.


Specifies the array of categories of the queried source system.


Specifies the array of properties of the queried source system.

Structure of a category




Specifies the unique identifier of the category in the source system.


Specifies the display name of the category.

For internationalization purposes, DMSApp works with the HTTP header Accept-Language. This HTTP header ensures that the display name of the category is displayed in the corresponding language.

Structure of a property




Specifies the unique identifier of the property in the source system.


Specifies the type of the property.

The type of the property is defined by the administrator when creating the property. Possible values are: String, ColorCode, Date, DateTime, Double, Money.


Specifies the display name of the property.

For internationalization, DMSApp works with the HTTP header Accept-Language. This HTTP header ensures that the display name of the property is displayed in the corresponding language.

Retrieving and viewing the results of a search operation

Released: JSON representation, HTML page

When retrieving and viewing the results of a search operation, you can restrict the number of results displayed to you by specifying a particular source plus the associated source categories and source properties. You can also restrict your search results using a full-text search term. The Defining a source system chapter explains how to create a source for mapping.

To retrieve or display only the results of a search operation, you must perform the following steps:

  • Determining the URL for a repository

  • Determine the link relation for retrieving the results of a search operation

  • Specifying response control parameters

  • Open the URL for the results of a search operation

Determining the URL for a repository

In the chapter Determining a repository, you can learn how to determine the URL for a repository.

Determining the link relation for retrieving or viewing the results of a search operation

You open the URL for a repository as follows:


GET /dms/r/dee1f3d3-eae8-5d9d-84d8-2d758c5ddc27
Accept: application/hal+json

The JSON object for the repository contains the searchresultwithmapping link relation with placeholders for the values used to retrieve or view the results of the search operation.


        _links: {
                searchresultwithmapping: {
                        href: "/dms/r/dee1f3d3-eae8-5d9d-84d8-2d758c5ddc27/srm{?sourceid,sourceproperties,sourcecategories,sourcepropertysort,ascending,fulltext,page,pagesize}",
                        templated: true
        id: "dee1f3d3-eae8-5d9d-84d8-2d758c5ddc27"

Specifying response control parameters

Use the following parameters to control the system response when retrieving or viewing the results of a search operation: You must encode the URL parameters (e.g. spaces in %20). The length of the encoded query parameter is limited to 2000 characters.




Defines the source to which the mapping used to retrieve the results of the search operation belongs. Only the source properties and categories that have been mapped to d.3 properties and d.3 categories are used for the individual items in the result. If no source is specified, only the IDs and the link relations for the DMS object will be returned for the individual items in the result.


Specifies the search restriction based on the properties of documents and dossiers from the perspective of the source. Species the ID of the mapped source properties in order to restrict a search procedure to certain criteria. The search procedure is executed based on the mapping.

Regular expressions specified by the administrator during mapping are ignored.

You must specify the search restrictions as a JSON object. You can define at least one value for each property.

Examples (not encoded):

  • sourceproperties={"myprop1_ID":["Test e-mail 1"]}: for a search for items with the d.3 property with the value "Test e-mail 1" that has been mapped to the source property with the ID "myprop1_ID".

  • sourceproperties={"myprop1_ID":["Test e-mail 1", "Test e-mail 2"]}: for a search for items with the d.3 property with the value "Test e-mail 1" or "Test e-mail 2" that has been mapped to the source property with the ID "myprop1_ID".

Restriction in relation to the definition of a search operation: You can also define multiple values for a parameter, provided that facets have been configured for the corresponding d.3 property. If no facets for viewing have been configured for the d.3 property, the last value is always adopted for the search operation.

You cannot use source properties, which are mapped to the common properties for comment fields (Comment 1 - 4), for the Search feature, since searching for individual comment fields in the d.3 repository is not supported.

You can also use several properties as search restrictions simultaneously.

Examples (not encoded):

  • sourceproperties={"myprop1_ID":["Test e-mail 1"],"myprop2_ID":["John Doe"]}: for a search for items with the d.3 property with the value "Test e-mail 1", that has been mapped to the source property with the ID "myprop1_ID" and the d.3 property with the value "John Doe" what has been mapped to the source property with the ID "myprop2_ID".


Sets the categories used for searching items. You can define at least one category. Enter the ID of the source category, otherwise the search will be performed across all the categories in a d.3 repository.

Sets the source categories used for searching items. Enter the ID of the source category. The search procedure is executed based on the mapping.

You must specify the search restrictions as a JSON array. You can specify one or more source categories. If you do not specify a source category, the search will be performed across all the categories in a d.3 repository.

Examples (not encoded):

  • sourcecategories=["mycategory1_ID"]: for a search in the d.3 category that has been mapped to the source category with the ID "mycategory1_ID".

  • sourcecategories=["mycategory1_ID","mycategory2_ID"]: for a search in the d.3 categories that have been mapped to the source category with the ID "mycategory1_ID" or "mycategory2_ID".


Specifies the ID of the mapped source property that is used to sort the result. If no sort property is specified, the default sort order using the Last modified sort criteria is applied.


Specifies the direction of the sort order.

  • ascending=true: results in an ascending sort order (from small to large (A-Z) and from old to young).

  • ascending=false: results in an descending sort order (from large to small (Z-A) and from young to old).

If the ascending parameter is not explicitly specified, the ascending sort order is applied. This is not true for the default sort order: If the Last modified criteria is used for sorting and the sort order is not specified, the sort order will be descending.

In addition to this, dossiers are displayed prior to documents in the result list. Within documents and dossiers, the items are sorted by the specified sorting criterion.


Specifies a full-text keyword.


Specifies which page of the result list is requested.

If this parameter is not transferred, Page 1 will be requested.


Specifies how many items are displayed per page.

If this parameter is not transferred, 25 items per page will be requested.


Specific values for the sourceproperties parameter related to the various options for restricting the result in a targeted way:

  1. Search for a numeric value or a money value:

    Specify the value without using a thousand separator. The decimal separator is the period (.). Example: For the value 1,000.20 EUR specify 1000.20.

  2. Search for a date and time:

    Specify the date in the format YYYY-MM-DD. Example: Enter 2014-12-05 for the date 12/05/2014 (MM/DD/YYYY).

    Time is specified in the format YYYY-MM-DDTHH:mm:ss+01:00. You must encode the plus character (+) with %2b. Example: 2015-02-18T23:59:59%2b01:00 for 02/18/2015 at 11:59 p.m. and 59 seconds in the time zone UTC+1 for standard time in Germany.

  3. Search for items that are located in a specific range:

    To search in a range, use a combination of the pipe and minus character (|-) as separators. Examples for a numeric field with the ID "231":

  • Values greater than or equal to 100:  {"231":["100|-"]}

  • Values smaller than or equal to 100: {"231":["|-100"]}

  • Values between 100 and 200: {"231":["100|-200"]}

Opening the URL for the results of a search operation (JSON representation)

Once you have created a URL, you can then open the results of the search operation as follows:


GET /dms/r/dee1f3d3-eae8-5d9d-84d8-2d758c5ddc27/srm?sourceid=/myapp/sources/mysource&sourceproperties={"myprop1_ID":["Test E-Mail 1"]}&sourcecategories=["mycategory1_ID"]&sourcepropertysort=myprop1_ID&ascending=true&fulltext=test&page=1&pagesize=50
Accept: application/json

The following JSON object will then be returned as a result:


  "_links": {
    "next": {
      "href": "/dms/r/dee1f3d3-eae8-5d9d-84d8-2d758c5ddc27/srm?"
    "self": {
      "href": "/dms/r/dee1f3d3-eae8-5d9d-84d8-2d758c5ddc27/srm?"
  "page": 1,
  "items": [
      "_links": {
        "self": { "href": "/dms/r/dee1f3d3-eae8-5d9d-84d8-2d758c5ddc27/o2m/D000000123" },
                "previewReadonly": { href": "/dms/r/dee1f3d3-eae8-5d9d-84d8-2d758c5ddc27/o2/D000000123/preview?isReadonly=true" }
      "id": "D000000123",
      "sourceProperties": [
          "key": "myprop1_ID",
          "value": "Test E-Mail 1",
          "isMultiValue": false
          "key": "myprop2_ID",
          "value": "Max Mustermann",
          "isMultiValue": true
      "sourceCategories": [ "mycategory1_ID" ]




Contains the link relations for the item.

self: Self-link.

previewReadonly: Relative URL for retrieving the preview in read mode. Use the link relation when the preview is displayed in the inner supply (InnerSupply) of the operating concept.

next: Relative URL for opening the next page of the result list. Is only specified when there are more results to display.

prev: Relative URL for opening the previous page of the result list. Is only specified when there are previous results to display.


Specifies the page number of the result list.


Specifies the array with search operation result items for the requested page.

Structure of an item in the result list




Contains the link relations for the item.

self: Self-link.

delete or deleteWithReason: If available, the item can be deleted with an HTTP DELETE request. For more information see Deleting the current version of a DMS object without user interaction.

update or updateWithContent: If available, the item can be updated with an HTTP PUT request. For more information see Storing a new version without user interaction.


Specifies the document ID of the item.


Specifies the array with source properties that are available for the item.

If the same source property has been mapped to multiple d.3 properties that the item possesses, this source property will be returned multiple times with the respective values of the d.3 property.

Regular expressions specified by the administrator during mapping are ignored.


Specifies the array with the IDs of the source categories that are available for the item.

The system will only return multiple categories if multiple source categories have been mapped to the d.3 category in which the item is located.

Structure of a source property




Indicates the unique identifier of the source property.


Specifies the value of the mapped d.3 property.


Specifies the display value for the mapped d.3 property. Is returned only if the value (value) and display value (displayValue) are different.


Specifies whether the mapped d.3 property is a multi-value property.

If the d.3 property is a multi-value property, value will return the first value or first input value of the property (depending on the d.3 repository configuration). To retrieve all multi-values, use the request for Retrieving the details of a DMS object.

Opening the URL for the results of a search operation (HTML page)

If you want to open the HTML view of the results, you must create the URL in the same way as described for retrieving the JSON representation. Enter the URL in the browser to view the HTML page. This HTML page contains the identifiers for the d.3 properties and d.3 categories.

Examples (not encoded):


GET /dms/r/dee1f3d3-eae8-5d9d-84d8-2d758c5ddc27/srm?sourceid=/myapp/sources/mysource&sourceproperties={"myprop1_ID":["Test E-Mail 1"]}&sourcecategories=["mycategory1_ID"]&sourcepropertysort=myprop1_ID&ascending=true&fulltext=test&page=1&pagesize=50
Accept: text/html
Retrieving and viewing the details of a DMS object

Released: JSON representation, HTML page

You can retrieve the details of a DMS object as a JSON representation or view the detail view for a DMS object. When retrieving the details as a JSON representation, you can enter a specific source from a source system to define which source properties and source categories are determined. If you do not specify a source, only the ID and the link relation for the DMS object will be returned. The Defining a source system chapter explains how to create a source.

To retrieve or display the details of a DMS object, you must perform the following steps:

  • Determining the URL for a repository

  • Determine the link relation for retrieving the details of a DMS object

  • Specifying response control parameters

  • Open the URL for the details of a DMS object

Determining the URL for a repository

In the chapter Determining a repository, you can learn how to determine the URL for a repository.

Determining the link relation for retrieving or viewing the details of a DMS object

You open the URL for a repository as follows:


GET /dms/r/dee1f3d3-eae8-5d9d-84d8-2d758c5ddc27
Accept: application/hal+json

The JSON object for the repository contains the dmsobjectwithmapping link relation with placeholders for the values used to retrieve or view the details of the DMS object.


        _links: {
                dmsobjectwithmapping: {
                        href: "/dms/r/dee1f3d3-eae8-5d9d-84d8-2d758c5ddc27/o2m/{dmsobjectid}{?sourceid}",
                        templated: true
        id: "dee1f3d3-eae8-5d9d-84d8-2d758c5ddc27"

Specifying response control parameters

Use the following parameters to control the system response when retrieving or viewing the details of a DMS object:




Specifies the document ID of the DMS object for which you want to request or view the details.


Defines the source to which the mapping used to retrieve the details of the DMS object belongs.

For information about providing a source system for mapping, see Defining a source system.

If you want to use the default source system, see Retrieving the default source system for a d.3 repository for more information.

Retrieve (JSON representation):

Only the source properties that are mapped to the d.3 properties are returned. If no source is specified, only the ID and the link relation for the DMS object will be returned.

View (HTML page):

You do not need to enter this parameter if you wish to view the details of a DMS object. The parameter will not be evaluated.

Opening the URL for the details of a DMS object (JSON representation)

Once you have created a URL, you can then retrieve the details of the DMS object as follows:


GET /dms/r/dee1f3d3-eae8-5d9d-84d8-2d758c5ddc27/o2m/D000000123?sourceid=/myapp/sources/mysource
Accept: application/json

The following JSON object will then be returned as a result:


  "_links": {
    "self": { 
                "href": "/dms/r/dee1f3d3-eae8-5d9d-84d8-2d758c5ddc27/o2m/D000000123"
    "mainblobcontent": {
        "href": "/dms/r/dee1f3d3-eae8-5d9d-84d8-2d758c5ddc27/o2/D000000123/v/current/b/main/c"
     "editinoffice": {
           "href": "{ms-word:ofe|u|{+clientOrigin}/dms/r/dee1f3d3-eae8-5d9d-84d8-2d758c5ddc27/o2/D000000123/dav/D000000123%20(D000000123).DOCX}",
       "templated": true
         "pdfblobcontent": {
       "href": "/dms/r/dee1f3d3-eae8-5d9d-84d8-2d758c5ddc27/o2/D000000123/v/current/b/p1/c"
           "href": "/dms/r/dee1f3d3-eae8-5d9d-84d8-2d758c5ddc27/o2m/D000000123/n"
           "href": "/dms/r/dee1f3d3-eae8-5d9d-84d8-2d758c5ddc27/srm/?children_of=D000000123"
           "href": "/dms/r/dee1f3d3-eae8-5d9d-84d8-2d758c5ddc27/o2m/D000000123/v/"
  "id": "D000000123",
  "sourceProperties": [
      "key": "myprop1_ID",
      "value": "value of property 1"
      "key": "myprop2_ID",
      "value": "value of property 2 in row 2",
      "values": {                                                 
            "2": "value of property 2 in row 2",
        "4": "value of property 2 in row 4"
  "sourceCategories": ["mycategory2_ID"]




Contains the link relations for the DMS object.

mainblobcontent: Relative download URL for the main document of the current version of the DMS object.

editinoffice: URL with placeholders for editing the document in Microsoft Office. You will only receive this URL if the administrator has activated the function for editing Microsoft Office documents. The URL is unavailable if you are working with Microsoft Office 365 in the cloud.

pdfblobcontent: Relative download URL for the generated (“dependent”) PDF document of the current version of the DMS object. You receive this URL only if a generated PDF document has been created for the DMS object.

notes: Relative URL for opening the notes of the DMS object. You will only receive this URL if any notes have already been saved for the DMS object.

children: Relative URL for the child DMS objects. You will only receive this URL if the DMS object has child items.

versions: Relative URL for retrieving and displaying the versions of a DMS object.

self: Self-link.


Specifies the document ID of the DMS object.


Specifies the array with source properties that are available for the requested DMS object.

If the same source property has been mapped to multiple d.3 properties that the requested DMS object possesses, this source property will be returned multiple times with the respective values of the d.3 property.


Specifies the array with the IDs of the source categories that are possible for the requested DMS object.

The system will only return multiple categories if multiple source categories have been mapped to the d.3 category in which the requested DMS object is located.

Structure of a source property




Indicates the unique identifier of the source property.


Specifies the value of the mapped d.3 property.

If the d.3 property is a multi-value property, value will return the first value or first input value of the property (depending on the d.3 repository configuration).


Specifies the values of the mapped d.3 property. Only returned if the d.3 property is a multi-value property.

values is an object comprised of name-value pairs (key value):

Name: Row number (starting with 1).

Value: Value of the property in the corresponding row.


Specifies the display value for the mapped d.3 property. Is returned only if the value (value) and display value (displayValue) are different.

Opening the URL for the details of a DMS object (HTML page)

If you want to open the HTML view of the results, you must create the URL in the same way as described for querying the JSON representation. Enter the URL in the browser to view the HTML page. This HTML page contains the identifiers for the d.3 properties and d.3 categories.



GET /dms/r/dee1f3d3-eae8-5d9d-84d8-2d758c5ddc27/o2m/D000000123
Accept: text/html
Storage of DMS objects

When storing DMS objects, you can determine the storage metadata by specifying a particular source plus the associated source categories and source properties. The Defining a source system chapter explains how to create a source for mapping. In the Basic information about mapping chapter, you can find general information for helping you to create mappings.

In this topic, you will learn how to store data from a source using the DMSApp.

Please note the following limitations (only applies to the d.velop documents cloud offer):

  • max. 3000 updates of DMS objects per client (client IP) in a period of 5 minutes

  • max. 8000 saves of new DMS objects per client (client IP) in a period of 5 minutes

Storing a new DMS object without user interaction

You can store a new DMS object automatically in the d.3 repository without the need for action by the user. No Validate hooks are executed in d.3 server during storing without user interaction. Mappings are required before the action can be performed. In the Basic information about mapping chapter, you can find general information for helping you to create mapping.

Perform the following steps to store a DMS object:

  • Determining the URL for a repository

  • Determine the link relation for storing a new DMS object

  • Provide the file to be stored (optional)

  • Open the URL for storing a new DMS object

Determining the URL for a repository

In the chapter Determining a repository, you can learn how to determine the URL for a repository.

Determining the link relation for storing a new DMS object

You open the URL for a repository as follows:


GET /dms/r/dee1f3d3-eae8-5d9d-84d8-2d758c5ddc27
Accept: application/hal+json

The JSON object for a repository contains the link relation dmsobjectwithmapping.


        "_links": {
                "dmsobjectwithmapping": {
                        "href": "/dms/r/dee1f3d3-eae8-5d9d-84d8-2d758c5ddc27/o2m/{dmsobjectid}{?sourceid}",
        "id": "dee1f3d3-eae8-5d9d-84d8-2d758c5ddc27"

The values dmsobjectid and sourceid are not relevant for storage. They do not need to be filled when executing the template.

Provide the file to be stored (optional)

The Provision of files chapter explains how to obtain the contentUri or contentLocationUri. These parameters are required for storing a new DMS object.

If you want to create a dossier, you do not need to provide the file.

Open the URL for storing a new DMS object

Perform an HTTP POST request to this URL with the required properties as Body.


POST /dms/r/dee1f3d3-eae8-5d9d-84d8-2d758c5ddc27/o2m
Origin: https://baseuri
Accept: application/hal+json
Content-Type: application/hal+json

        "filename": "myfile.txt",
        "sourceCategory": "mycategory1_ID",
        "sourceId": "/myapp/sources/mysource",
        "contentLocationUri": "/dms/r/dee1f3d3-eae8-5d9d-84d8-2d758c5ddc27/blob/chunk/2018-01-01_temp_master_file_user1_44f7-95a6-58b8400ecf43",
        "sourceProperties": {
                "properties": [{
                                "key": "myprop1_ID",
                                "values": ["Please verify the XYZ invoice"]
                                "key": "myprop2_ID",
                                "values": ["",""]

For information about the JSON object parameters, see the chapter Defining the parameters for storing.

If no assignment is configured for the d.3 document status, the document status Release (Release) is used by default for the DMS object. The Status property must be assigned by the administrator if you want to use a different document status during storage.

If the call is successful, the URL is returned to the DMS object in the Location header:

If linking an item to a dossier (parentId) fails, you will receive the URL to the DMS object in the Location header, as well as an additional notification that the linking process has failed.


HTTP/1.1 201 Created
Location: /dms/r/dee1f3d3-eae8-5d9d-84d8-2d758c5ddc27/o2m/D0001234?sourceId=%2Fmyapp%2Fsources%2Fmysourc

        "reason": "You do not have the right to link the document with the dossier manually.
Nevertheless, the document was successfully saved. The document may be automatically linked on the server."
        "severity": 1

If the call was successful and there is detailed information on the processing result of the storage operation, the detailed information is returned in the response. With the help of the information, you can decide whether further processing steps are necessary for the DMS object. For more information see Format of the response for successful requests with detailed information.

If storing the DMS object fails, an appropriate answer is displayed. For more information see Response format for errors.

Updating a DMS object without user interaction

You can update an existing DMS object in a d.3 repository without the need for action by the user. No Validate hooks are executed in d.3 server while updating the DMS object without user interaction. Mappings are required before the action can be performed. In the Basic information about mapping chapter, you can find general information for helping you to create mapping.

To update a DMS object, perform the following steps:

  • Determining the URL for a repository

  • Determine the link relation for the existing DMS object

  • Provide the file to be stored (optional)

  • Open the URL to update the DMS object

Determining the URL for a repository

In the chapter Determining a repository, you can learn how to determine the URL for a repository.

Determine the link relation for the existing DMS object

To determine a URL for an existing DMS object, perform a search and evaluate the update or updateWithContent link relation for an item in the result list. The chapter Retrieving and viewing the results of a search operation provides you with more information about performing a search and the description of a result list item. If the d.3 document status of the existing DMS object is Processing, the authenticated user must be the processor of the DMS object.

Provide the file to be stored (optional)

If you have determined an updateWithContent link relation, you can provide a file with the parameters contentUri or contentLocationUri. In the chapter Provision of files, you can learn how to provide a file.

If you want to update only the properties with the update link relation, you do not need to provide a file.

If you have received only an update link relation, an update with a file is not possible.

Open the URL to update the DMS object

Send an HTTP PUT request with the required properties as the Body to the URL of the existing DMS object that you received in the update or updateWithContent link relation. If you want to modify only parameters, do not specify the contentLocationUri and filename parameters.


PUT /dms/r/dee1f3d3-eae8-5d9d-84d8-2d758c5ddc27/o2m/A00000001
Origin: https://baseuri
Accept: application/hal+json
Content-Type: application/hal+json

        "filename": "myfile.txt",
        "alterationText": "updated file",
        "sourceCategory": "mycategory1_ID",
        "sourceId": "/myapp/sources/mysource",
        "contentLocationUri": "/dms/r/dee1f3d3-eae8-5d9d-84d8-2d758c5ddc27/blob/chunk/2018-01-01_temp_master_file_user1_44f7-95a6-58b8400ecf43",
        "sourceProperties": {
                "properties": [{
                                "key": "myprop1_ID",
                                "values": ["Please verify the XYZ invoice"]
                                "key": "myprop2_ID",
                                "values": ["",""]

For information about the JSON object parameters, see the chapter Defining the parameters for storing.

You cannot transfer the status of the document using the URL described above. Use the URL of the current version of the document to transfer status. For more information, see Change the current editor and document status.

If the call is successful, HTTP 200 OK is returned:


HTTP/1.1 200 OK

If the call was successful and there is detailed information on the processing result of the storage operation, the detailed information is returned in the response. With the help of the information, you can decide whether further processing steps are necessary for the DMS object. For more information see Format of the response for successful requests with detailed information.

If the version fails to save, a corresponding answer (response) is returned. For more information see Response format for errors.

If the call was successful and there is detailed information about the processing result of the storage operation, this detailed information is returned in the response. You can use this information, for example, to make decisions about whether further processing steps are necessary for the DMS object. For more information see Format of the response for successful requests with detailed information.

Storing new DMS objects with user interaction

Released: HTML page

You can open the Storage feature to store new DMS objects with properties and files. Mappings are required before the action can be performed. In the Basic information about mapping chapter, you can find general information for helping you to create mappings.

Perform the following steps to store DMS objects:

  • Determine the link relation for the storage dialog

  • Provide the file to be stored (optional)

  • Create a storage dialog with predefined properties and files

  • Display the storage dialog with predefined properties and files

  • Perform more actions after storing (optional)

Determine the link relation for the storage dialog

There are two link relations for the Storage feature:

  • Link relation without reference to a d.3 repository: Storage without reference to a d.3 repository allows the user to select the d.3 repository. In this case, however, you cannot temporarily upload the file. For more information about providing files see Provision of files.

  • Link relation with reference to a d.3 repository: When storing with reference to a d.3 repository, the user is no longer able to change the d.3 repository.

To determine the link relation to a d.3 repository, execute an HTTP GET request for the REST resource /dms.


GET /dms
Accept: application/hal+json

The JSON object contains the link relation new.


    "_links": {
        "new": {
            "href": "/dms/new/"

You must know the repository URL in order to determine the link relation with reference to a d.3 repository. In the chapter Determining a repository, you can learn how to determine the URL for a repository. Then execute an HTTP Get request on the URL for a repository as follows:


GET /dms/r/dee1f3d3-eae8-5d9d-84d8-2d758c5ddc27
Accept: application/hal+json

The JSON object for a repository contains the link relation new.


        "_links": {
                "new": {
                        "href": "/dms/r/dee1f3d3-eae8-5d9d-84d8-2d758c5ddc27/new/"
        "id": "dee1f3d3-eae8-5d9d-84d8-2d758c5ddc27"

Provide the file to be stored (optional)

The Provision of files chapter explains how to obtain the contentUri or contentLocationUri. This parameter is required to create a storage dialog for a new DMS object.

If you want to create a dossier, you do not need to provide the file.

Create a storage dialog with predefined properties and files

Send an HTTP POST request with the required properties as the Body to the URL that you received in the self link relation. 


POST /dms/r/dee1f3d3-eae8-5d9d-84d8-2d758c5ddc27/new
Origin: https://baseuri
Accept: application/hal+json
Content-Type: application/hal+json

    "storeObjects": [{
        "displayValue": "Please verify the XYZ invoice",
        "filename": "myfile.txt",
        "contentLocationUri": "/dms/r/dee1f3d3-eae8-5d9d-84d8-2d758c5ddc27/blob/chunk/2018-01-01_temp_master_file_user1_44f7-95a6-58b8400ecf43",
        "sourceId": "/myapp/sources/mysourcel",
                "sourceCategory": "mycategory1",
                "sourcePropertiesUri": "/myapp/sources/mysourcel/properties/myfile.haljson",
                "successCallbackUri": "/myapp/sources/mysourcel/success/myfile"

The JSON object that is transferred to POST is described as follows:




Specifies the array of item properties and files that should be used to define the storage dialog. For information about an item of the array, see Defining the parameters for storing.

To store a single DMS object, you can also specify the JSON object of the item properties without the storeObjects parent array.

If the call is successful, the URL is returned to the storage dialog in the Location header:


HTTP/1.1 201 Created
Location: /dms/r/dee1f3d3-eae8-5d9d-84d8-2d758c5ddc27/new/a09dd457-5a21-4b90-8134-e562092b50ea

If creating the storage dialog fails, an appropriate response is displayed. For more information see Response format for errors.

Displaying the storage dialog with predefined properties and files

Open the URL that you received in the Location header in the browser to show the created storage dialog to the user. The user can edit the properties and complete the storage of the DMS objects.

Perform more actions after storing (optional)

The URL is opened if the successCallbackUri parameter is specified while creating the storage dialog and the user has successfully completed the storage process. You can perform additional steps after performing this action. For more information, see Feedback using "SuccessCallback" and "Userdata".

Updating DMS objects with user interaction

Released: HTML page

You can select the Storage feature to update the properties and file of a DMS object. Mappings are required before the action can be performed. In the Basic information about mapping chapter, you can find general information for helping you to create mappings.

To update a DMS object, perform the following steps:

  • Determine the ID for the existing DMS object

  • Provide the file to be stored (optional)

  • Determine the link relation for the storage dialog

  • Create a storage dialog with predefined properties and files

  • Displaying the storage dialog with predefined properties and files

  • Perform more actions after storing (optional)

Determine the ID for the existing DMS object

In the chapter Searching for DMS objects, you can learn how to determine the ID for an existing DMS object. If the d.3 document status of the existing DMS object is Processing, the authenticated user must be the processor of the DMS object.

Provide the file to be stored (optional)

In the chapter Provision of files, you can learn how to provide a file.

Determine the link relation for the storage dialog

In the chapter Determining a repository, you can learn how to determine the URL for a repository. Then, execute an HTTP Get request on the URL for a repository as follows:


GET /dms/r/dee1f3d3-eae8-5d9d-84d8-2d758c5ddc27
Accept: application/hal+json

The JSON object for a repository contains the link relation new.


        "_links": {
                "new": {
                        "href": "/dms/r/dee1f3d3-eae8-5d9d-84d8-2d758c5ddc27/new/"
        "id": "dee1f3d3-eae8-5d9d-84d8-2d758c5ddc27"

Create a storage dialog with predefined properties and files

Send an HTTP POST request with the required properties as the Body to the URL that you received in the self link relation. 


POST /dms/r/dee1f3d3-eae8-5d9d-84d8-2d758c5ddc27/new
Origin: https://baseuri
Accept: application/hal+json
Content-Type: application/hal+json

    "storeObjects": [{
        "dmsObjectId": "D123456789",
        "displayValue": "Please verify the XYZ invoice",
        "filename": "myfile.txt",
        "contentLocationUri": "/dms/blob/chunk/2016-May-24-14-20-26-393-1720.part",
        "sourceId": "/myapp/sources/mysourcel",
        "sourcePropertiesUri": "/myapp/sources/mysourcel/properties/myfile.haljson",
        "successCallbackUri": "/myapp/sources/mysourcel/success/myfile"

The JSON object that is transferred to POST is described as follows:




Specifies the array of item properties and files that should be used to define the storage dialog. For information about an item of the array, see Defining the parameters for storing.

To update a single DMS object, you can also specify the JSON object of the item properties without the storeObjects parent array.

If the call is successful, the URL is returned to the storage dialog in the Location header:


HTTP/1.1 201 Created
Location: /dms/r/dee1f3d3-eae8-5d9d-84d8-2d758c5ddc27/new/a09dd457-5a21-4b90-8134-e562092b50ea

If creating the storage dialog fails, an appropriate response is displayed. For more information see Response format for errors.

Displaying the storage dialog with predefined properties and files

Open the storage dialog URL that you received in the Location header in the browser to display the storage dialog to the user. The user can edit the properties and finish updating the DMS objects.

Perform more actions after storing (optional)

The URL is opened if the successCallbackUri parameter is specified while creating the storage dialog and the user has successfully completed the storage process. You can perform additional steps after performing this action. For more information, see Feedback using "SuccessCallback" and "Userdata".

Changing the current editor and document status

You can update the editor and document status of an existing DMS object in a d.3 repository without the need for action by the user. Mappings are required before the action can be performed. In the Basic information about mapping chapter, you can find general information for helping you to create mappings.

To change the editor or document status of a DMS object, you must perform the following steps:

  • Determining the URL for a repository

  • Determine the link relation for the existing DMS object

  • Open the URL for changing the editor or document status of a DMS object

Determining the URL for a repository 

In the chapter Determining a repository, you can learn how to determine the URL for a repository.

Determine the link relation for the existing DMS object 

To determine a URL for an existing DMS object, perform a search and evaluate the displayVersion link relation for an item in the result list. The chapter Retrieving and viewing the results of a search operation provides you with more information about performing a search and the description of a result list item.

Opening the URL for changing the DMS object status and editor 

Send an HTTP PUT request with the required properties as the Body to the URL of the current available version of the DMS object that you received in the displayVersion link relation.

You can find descriptions of the JSON object transferred with the PUT request below:




Target state of the document. Possible values:

  • Processing 

  • Verification 

  • Release 

  • Archive


Mandatory field for the target status Processing and optional for the target status Verification. The parameter is ignored in other target statuses. Possible values:

  • Target status Processing: User or group ID to which the document is to be assigned.

  • Target status Verification: Group ID to which the document is to be assigned.

You can use the IDs from both d.ecs identity provider and the DMS system.


Mandatory field for the target status Release.

Text (max. 120 bytes) that is stored when the status changes for the document version. You can provide information about the extent of the change, for example.

Example 1: Changing a document status to “Processing” or changing the editor with your own mapping 

Ensure that mapping exists in which the value myprop1_ID is set to property_state and myprop2_ID is set to property_editor.


Origin: https://baseuri
Accept: application/hal+json
Content-Type: application/hal+json  

   "sourceId": "/myapp/sources/mysource",
   "sourceProperties": {
      "properties": [
            "key": "myprop1_ID",
            "values": [
            "key": "myprop2_ID",
            "values": [

If the call is successful, HTTP 200 OK is returned:


HTTP/1.1 200 OK

Example 2: Changing a document status to “Processing” or changing the editor with standard mapping 


Origin: https://baseuri
Accept: application/hal+json
Content-Type: application/hal+json

   "sourceId": "/dms/r/dee1f3d3-eae8-5d9d-84d8-2d758c5ddc27/source",
   "sourceProperties": {
      "properties": [
            "key": "property_state",
            "values": [
            "key": " property_editor",
            "values": [

If the call is successful, HTTP 200 OK is returned:


HTTP/1.1 200 OK

Example 3: Changing a document status to “Release” with standard mapping 


Origin: https://baseuri
Accept: application/hal+json
Content-Type: application/hal+json 

   "sourceId": "/dms/r/dee1f3d3-eae8-5d9d-84d8-2d758c5ddc27/source",
   "alterationText": "updated file",
   "sourceProperties": {
      "properties": [
            "key": "property_state",
            "values": [

If the call is successful, HTTP 200 OK is returned:


HTTP/1.1 200 OK

If the change of editor or document status fails, an appropriate response is returned. For more information see Response format for errors.

General information about the storage process

In this topic, you can learn more details about storing DMS objects. However, before you begin with this topic, you should familiarize yourself with the chapters on saving and updating DMS objects.

Defining the parameters for storing

In this chapter, you learn more about the parameters you can use to store DMS objects. The parameters are applicable for storing with or without user action.

Setting a JSON object for storing

The JSON object that is sent with the HTTP requests for storing a DMS object includes the following parameters:




Specifies the display name of the item that is stored. The display name will become visible to the user in the storage dialog. This parameter is optional.


Specifies the name of the file to be stored with the file extension.

If you set this parameter, you need to map the category which you specified under sourceCategory in the mapping processing for a document type. If you do not set this property, you need to map the category which you specified under sourceCategory the in mapping processing for a dossier type.

  • The property is mandatory if you are resaving a document.

  • This property is optional if you are updating a document. If the parameter is not set, the old file name will be used.

  • The property is ignored if you update a document without contentLocationUri or contentUri .

  • The property must not be set when you create or update a new dossier.


Specifies the ID of the DMS object to be updated. This parameter is taken into account when updating a DMS object with user interaction.


Specifies the reason for change for the update of a DMS object. In d.3 admin, you define whether the parameter has to be entered. This parameter is taken into account only when updating a DMS object.


Specifies which category should be used for mapping processing while storing. Enter the ID of the source category.

This property must be specified except under the following circumstances:

  • The property is ignored if the parameter parentId is set and an associated default category has been defined in d.3 admin.

  • The property is ignored when you update a DMS object.

  • The property is optional if an item is stored via user action.

If you store multiple DMS objects via user action, then only the source category of the first item in the storeObjects array in the storage dialog is taken into account. This source category is displayed to the user for all additional files to be stored.


Defines the source to which the mapping that is to be used for storing belongs. The source must exist and the source system must be registered with d.ecs http gateway so that the properties under sourcePropertiesUri or sourceProperties can be applied.

For more information about providing a source see Defining the parameters for storing.

If you do not have your own source system, you can also use the default source system of the d.3 repository. For information on the standard source system, see Retrieving the default source system for a d.3 repository.


Specifies the URL through which the DMSApp should download the item properties for the mapping processing and duplicate check. Before storing the DMS object, the DMSApp sends an HTTP GET request to the URL in order to determine the source properties for the storage process. If the sourcePropertiesUri is a relative URL, the user information of the registered user is also transmitted in the HTTP request (AuthSessionID). This makes it possible to take the current user name into account or perform a permission check, for example. In the case of an absolute URL, the source properties are requested anonymously. The JSON object to be provided is described under "Setting the source properties."

Alternatively, you can use the sourceProperties property.


Specifies a JSON array with source properties that are used for mapping processing and duplicate check. The JSON object to be provided is described under "Setting the source properties."

Alternatively, you can use the sourcePropertiesUri property.


Specifies the URL for the file that was temporarily uploaded. For more information, see Providing a file via temporary upload.

Alternatively, you can use the contentUri property.

If you set this parameter, you need to map the category which you specified under sourceCategory the in mapping processing for a document type. If you do not specify neither the contentLocationUri nor the contentUri property, you need to map the category which you specified under sourceCategory in the mapping processing for a dossier type.

This property is optional if you want to update a DMS object or create a dossier.


Specifies the relative URL through which the DMSApp downloads the file to be stored. For more information, see Providing a file via temporary upload.

Alternatively, you can use the contentLocationUri property.

If you set this parameter, you need to map the category which you specified under sourceCategory the in mapping processing for a document type. If you do not specify neither the contentLocationUri nor the contentUri property, you need to map the category which you specified under sourceCategory in the mapping processing for a dossier type.

This property is optional if you want to update a DMS object or create a dossier.


Specifies the DMS object ID of the dossier with which the item to be stored should be linked. If the storage process is successful, the stored item is linked to the corresponding dossier. If the item to be stored is recognized as a duplicate, the already existing item is linked to the dossier.

However no duplicate check performed, when you want to link a dossier to another dossier.

This property is ignored when you update a DMS object.


Specifies the URL that is opened via HTTP POST when the storage process was performed successfully. The URL must be relative. For more information, see Feedback using "SuccessCallback" and "Userdata".

This property is optional. You can use the property only when storing with user interaction.

Setting the source properties

You can define the source properties directly using the sourceProperties parameter or provide them using the URL in sourcePropertiesUri.

The JSON object is described as follows:




Specifies an array of the source properties that are provided for mapping processing. Only the properties that were configured by the administrator in the mapping are taken into consideration when storing.


Specifies a unique hashcode that is used by the source for the item to be stored and by the d.3 server for duplicate recognition. Setting this property is optional.


Specifies an array of options that should also be displayed in the storage dialog. Specifying this property is optional. You can use the property only when storing with user interaction.

For more information see Feedback using "SuccessCallback" and "Userdata".


Indicates the hash of the file to be stored. The hash of the file to be stored helps you to validate the file saving process in a d.3 repository. If the hashes do not match, the document saving process is terminated with an error message.

While saving the file, a hash of the file is generated by the server, compared with the hash that you generate and validated. In this case, the parameter must have the following structure:


Example of a file with the content "Example":


The following hash algorithms are supported:

  • RIPEMD256

  • SHA256

  • SHA384

  • SHA512

  • MD5

This parameter is optional.

Always perform Base64 encoding at the byte level. Encoding a textual representation results in invalid hash values.

Examples of generating a checkHash value using the classes from System.Security.Cryptography in C#:

private string CreateM5Hash(string filename)
   using (var md5 = MD5.Create())
       using (var stream = File.OpenRead(filename))
             var retVal = md5.ComputeHash(stream);
                         //Bytes in retVal für eine Datei mit dem Inhalt "Example": 
                 //45 155 209 108 21 173 26 160 179 111 217 119 62 110 20 172

             return $"MD5:{Convert.ToBase64String(retVal)}"; 
                 //Hash base64-encodiert:   

private string CreateSHA256Hash(string filename)
    using (var sha256 = SHA256.Create())
        using (var stream = File.OpenRead(filename))
            var retVal = sha256.ComputeHash(stream);
                    //Bytes in retVal für eine Datei mit dem Inhalt "Example":  
                        //53 239 154 101 221 213 246 176 70 65 37 206 150 167 54 152 
                        //63 65 154 140 96 227 200 169 71 112 149 213 153 156 17 27

            return $"SHA256:{Convert.ToBase64String(retVal)}";
                    //Hash base64-encodiert: 

private string CreateSHA512Hash(string filename)
    using (var sha512 = SHA512.Create())
        using (var stream = File.OpenRead(filename))
            var retVal = sha512.ComputeHash(stream);
                        //Bytes in retVal für eine Datei mit dem Inhalt "Example":   
                        //72 237 177 122 242 252 39 57 63 98 44 167 119 228 162 20 106 
                        //147 201 76 246 223 209 126 97 224 198 30 40 137 121 216 147 
                        //21 15 16 1 103 84 101 60 241 95 82 14 126 211 137 170 235 180 
                        //206 18 112 247 228 229 185 208 62 192 244 131 41

            return $"SHA512:{Convert.ToBase64String(retVal)}";
                //Hash base64-encodiert:  

Structure of an object in the "property" array




Specifies the ID of the source property. Only the properties that you specified and that were configured by the administrator in the mapping are taken into account.

When updating a DMS object, only the properties that you specified are updated. All the other values for the existing DMS object properties are retained.

When you want to specify the creation date (property_creation_date) of the DMS object, the specification of the property is only considered when a new DMS object is saved without any user interaction. For more information, see Storing a new DMS object without user interaction.


Specifies an array with the corresponding values of the item property. Even if you only want to transmit one value, you must transmit this value as a JSON array.

You can set the d.3 document status for a DMS object when storing a new DMS object. The values available are Processing, Verification and Release.

During a DMS object update, mappings for the d.3 document status, d.3 variant number, d.3 document ID and d.3 document number are ignored.

Properties with the tag "read-only" are not considered while storing the item.

During an update without user interaction, the authenticated user must be the processor of the DMS object if the existing DMS object has the Processing d.3 document status.

Specify the numerical value without using a thousand separator. The decimal separator is the period (.). Example: For the value 1,000.20 EUR specify 1000.20.

Specify the date values in the format YYYY-MM-DD. Example: Enter 2014-12-05 for the date 12/05/2014 (MM/DD/YYYY).

Enter date and time values in the format YYYY-MM-DDTHH:mm:ss+01:00. Example: 2015-02-18T23:59:59+01:00 for 2/18/2015 at 11:59 p.m. and 59 seconds in the time zone UTC+1 for standard time in Germany.

Example 1: Providing the file and the properties via a URL 

A simple JSON object could appear as follows:

    "filename": "myfile.txt",
        "alterationText": "updated file",
    "sourceCategory": "mycategory1_ID",
    "sourceId": "/myapp/sources/mysource",  
    "contentUri": "/myapp/sources/mysource/myfile.txt",
    "sourcePropertiesUri": "/myapp/sources/mysource/myfile.haljson"    

Example 2: The properties, including the "userdata" and "successCallbackUri" parameters, are directly specified.

The following JSON object contains userdata and the properties (properties). uniqueTag is set at the same time for the duplicate check.The dossier ID is set in the parentId parameter in order to link the DMS object to be recreated:

    "displayValue": "Please verify the XYZ invoice",
    "filename": "myfile.txt",
        "alterationText": "updated file",
    "sourceCategory": "mycategory1_ID",
    "sourceId": "/myapp/sources/mysource",
    "parentId": "P123456789",
    "contentLocationUri": "/dms/r/dee1f3d3-eae8-5d9d-84d8-2d758c5ddc27/blob/chunk/2018-01-01_temp_master_file_user1_44f7-95a6-58b8400ecf43",
    "successCallbackUri": "/myapp/sources/mysource/myfile/success",
    "sourceProperties": {
        "properties": [{
                "key": "myprop1_ID",
                "values": ["Please verify the XYZ invoice"]
                "key": "myprop2_ID",
                "values": ["",""]
                "userdata": [{
                    "key": "postProcessingOption",
                        "display": "My post processing options",
                "values": [
                        {"value":"1", "display": "Action 1", "default":"false"},
                        {"value":"2", "display": "Default action 2", "default":"true"},
                        {"value":"3", "display": "Action 3", "default":"false"}
                "uniqueTag": "123456789",
                "checkHash": "MD5:ClJzBZf7T/oB/BF9nnHjqQ=="
Provision of files

Storing DMS objects saves their properties and categories. In order for files to be stored, they must be provided to the DMSApp and the source category must be mapped to a document type in the mapping processing. You can provide the files in two ways:

Providing a file with a URL

This chapter explains how to provide a file using a URL. When storing DMS objects, provide the URL leading to a file in the contentUri property. Before the DMS object is stored, the DMSApp will download the file via the specified URL (contentUri). The URL must be a relative URL. The respective user’s information is also transmitted in the HTTP request during the download (AuthSessionID). The AuthSessionID can be used to identify the user, e.g. to perform a permission check.

Since the file is downloaded in a request, this procedure is not suited for large files. Use the temporary file upload procedure for larger files. For additional information see Providing a file via temporary upload.

Downloading the provided file

The DMSApp performs an HTTP GET request to the URL specified in the contentUri parameter. Here is an example for the DMSApp ’s HTTP GET request for your source system, provided the contentUri contains the following URL /myapp/sources/mysource/myfile.txt:


GET /myapp/sources/mysource/myfile.txt
Accept: application/octet-stream, */*
AuthSessionID: SampleAuthsessionId

Your source system’s response must look as follows:


HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Length: 3495

<binary content>
Providing a file via temporary upload

This chapter explains how to make a file temporarily available via temporary upload. Temporary upload is especially useful for large files. Using the (contentLocationUri) URL for the file that was temporarily uploaded, you can then store the DMS object.

Perform the following steps to upload a file temporarily:

  • Determining the URL for a repository

  • Determine the link relation used to temporarily upload the file

  • Open the URL to temporarily upload the file

  • Open the URL to temporarily upload the file (optional)

It is not possible to upload a file temporarily without specifying an ID for a repository.

Determining the URL for a repository

In the chapter Determining a repository, you can learn how to determine the URL for a repository.

Determine the link relation used to temporarily upload the file

You open the URL for a repository as follows:


GET /dms/r/dee1f3d3-eae8-5d9d-84d8-2d758c5ddc27
Accept: application/hal+json

The JSON object for a repository contains the chunkedupload link relation.


        "_links": {
                "chunkedupload": {
                        "href": "/dms/r/dee1f3d3-eae8-5d9d-84d8-2d758c5ddc27/blob/chunk/"
        "id": "dee1f3d3-eae8-5d9d-84d8-2d758c5ddc27"

Open the URL to temporarily upload the file

Send an HTTP POST request with the binary data as the Body to the URL that you received in the chunkedupload link relation. If successful, you will receive the HTTP status code 201 and the URL (contentLocationUri) in the Location HTTP header.


POST /dms/r/dee1f3d3-eae8-5d9d-84d8-2d758c5ddc27/blob/chunk/
Origin: https://baseuri
Content-Type: application/octet-stream

<binary content>


HTTP/1.1 201 Created
Location: /dms/r/dee1f3d3-eae8-5d9d-84d8-2d758c5ddc27/blob/chunk/2018-01-01_temp_master_file_user1_44f7-95a6-58b8400ecf43

In the HTTP Post request, The whole body is considered as binary data of the file to be uploaded. Currently, the upload using multipart/form-data is not supported.

The maximum size of the body is limited to 100 MB. We recommend a body size of 25 MB. If you want to upload larger files, you can split the file into different chunks. For additional information, see the following section.

Open the URL to temporarily upload the file (optional)

You can divide the upload among multiple HTTP requests in order to avoid a timeout for larger files.

To do so, follow the steps below:

  • Split the file to be uploaded into different chunks.

  • Upload the first chunk as described in "Opening the URL to temporarily upload the file".

  • Upload the next chunk by executing an HTTP POST request on the URL that you received in the header of the response to the first chunk under Location.

  • Repeat the previous step successively for all chunks in the correct order.


POST /dms/r/dee1f3d3-eae8-5d9d-84d8-2d758c5ddc27/blob/chunk/2018-01-01_temp_master_file_user1_44f7-95a6-58b8400ecf43
Content-Type: application/octet-stream

<binary content for chunk>


HTTP/1.1 200 OK

Note the following when uploading multiple chunks:

  • The chunks can only be uploaded sequentially.

  • The order of the HTTP POST request for the chunks must be strictly adhered to.

  • If an error occurs during an HTTP POST request (e.g. HTTP status code is not 200), then you must re-upload the file in all the chunks. Individual chunks cannot be reuploaded.

You receive the following possible responses to the requests:

Status code


200 OK

A chunk was successfully uploaded.

201 Created

The first chunk was successfully uploaded.

404 Not Found

The resource was not found. An unknown repository ID was specified, for example.

500 Internal Server Error

An internal error occurred while processing.

Response format for errors

Released: JSON representation

In this chapter, you will learn about the output format for errors. Depending on the result of the storage process, the HTTP request is answered with different HTTP status codes. Descriptive information can be returned as an option.

Example for a response upon a failed request:


HTTP/1.1 400 BadRequest
    "reason": "10019: Missing value for a mandatory property.",
    "severity": 1,
    "errorCode": 10019

Description of parameters for response upon a failed request:




An optional short description of why the error has occurred. This text is used as the error message’s title.


An optional message for the user containing troubleshooting tips.


Optional detailed information about the error.


Optional error severity. Possible values are:

Success = 0,
Information = 1,
Warning = 2,
Error = 3


An optional error code, as returned by d.3 server.


ID of the associated request During additional requests, the ID is transferred to other apps and serves tracing purposes when an action is processed.

Additional parameters, if the DMS object to be stored is recognized as a duplicate:




Contains the ID of the already existing DMS object.


Contains the link relation dmsobject referencing the already existing DMS object.

The exclusive processing of a DMS object is required so users in Microsoft Office 365 can process an element. If processing via Office 365 is not complete, the request fails, and you receive the status code 403 Forbidden with the corresponding error information as the response. Please repeat the request at a later time.

Format of the response for successful requests with detailed information

Released: JSON representation

In this chapter, you will learn about the output format for detailed information on successful requests. Depending on the result of the processing, the HTTP request is returned with descriptive detailed information.

Description of the parameters for the response to the successful request with detailed information:




Array with detailed information about the request

Description of the parameters of a responseDetails object:




Code of the type String defining the detailed information:

  • DmsApp-Mapping-IgnoredDestinationSystemPropertyDueToUpdateMode

  • DmsApp-Mapping-IgnoredNotModifiableDestinationProperty

  • DmsApp-Mapping-MappingForSourceNotFound

  • DmsApp-Mapping-NoDestinationCategoryFoundWithDestinationProperty

  • DmsApp-Mapping-NoMappingFoundForSourceCategory

  • DmsApp-Mapping-NoMappingFoundForSourceProperty

  • DmsApp-Mapping-NoSourceProperties

  • DmsApp-Mapping-NoValuesGivenForSourceProperty

  • DmsApp-Mapping-PropertyStatusIgnored

  • DmsApp-Mapping-UnknownDestinationCategory


Title that briefly states what detailed information is involved.


Detailed description for detailed information.


Optional further reference with possible information on actions.


Optional parameter that contains further data on the detailed information, e.g. for programmatic evaluation of data.

Description of the parameters of a ResponseDetailData object:




Current value of the target item.


ID of the source item to which the detailed information refers (e.g. source, source property, source category).


ID of the target item assigned to the source item (e.g. target property, target category).


Value of the source item to be written into the target item.

Examples of a response for a successful request with detailed information on the respective ResponseDetail codes:

Example 1: DmsApp-Mapping-IgnoredNotModifiableDestinationProperty

HTTP/1.1 200 OK
    "responseDetails": [
            "code": "DmsApp-Mapping-IgnoredNotModifiableDestinationProperty",
            "title": "Ignored source property",
            "detail": "The source property with the ID 'myprop1_ID' was ignored because the mapped destination property with the ID '5' ('Name') is not modifiable. The current value for the property is 'Value of Name' and is not overwritten by the given value 'Value for myprop1'.",
            "hint": "Please adjust the d.3 configuration if you still want to write the values or contact your administrator.",
            "data": {
                "sourceItemId": "myprop1_ID",
                "sourceItemValue": "Value for myprop1",
                "destinationItemId": "5",
                "destinationItemValue": "Value of Name"

Example 2: DmsApp-Mapping-NoMappingFoundForSourceCategory

HTTP/1.1 200 OK
    "responseDetails": [
            "code": "DmsApp-Mapping-NoMappingFoundForSourceCategory",
            "title": "Ignored source category",
            "detail": "The source category with the ID 'CAT1' was ignored because no mapping to a destination category was found.",
            "hint": "Please configure a mapping for the given source category or contact your administrator.",
            "data": {
                "sourceItemId": "CAT1"

Example 3: DmsApp-Mapping-IgnoredDestinationSystemPropertyDueToUpdateMode

HTTP/1.1 200 OK
    "responseDetails": [     
            "code": "DmsApp-Mapping-IgnoredDestinationSystemPropertyDueToUpdateMode",
            "title": "Ignored source property",
            "detail": "The source property with the ID 'PROP2' was ignored because the mapped destination property with the ID 'property_document_number', which is a system property, cannot be changed in update mode.",
            "data": {
                "sourceItemId": "PROP2",
                "destinationItemId": "property_document_number"

Example 4: DmsApp-Mapping-MappingForSourceNotFound

HTTP/1.1 200 OK
    "responseDetails": [
            "code": "DmsApp-Mapping-MappingForSourceNotFound",
            "title": "Mapping configuration not found",
            "detail": "No mapping configuration was found for the source with the ID '/myapp/sources/mysourcex'. For this reason, no mapping is applied and any given values for properties or categories are ignored.",
            "hint": "Please configure a mapping for the given source or contact your administrator.",
            "data": {
                "sourceItemId": "/myapp/sources/mysourcex"

Example 5: DmsApp-Mapping-NoDestinationCategoryFoundWithDestinationProperty

HTTP/1.1 200 OK
    "responseDetails": [
            "code": "DmsApp-Mapping-NoDestinationCategoryFoundWithDestinationProperty",
            "title": "Ignored source property",
            "detail": "The source property with the ID 'myprop1_ID' was ignored because the mapped destination property with the ID '5' was not found in any destination category.",
            "data": {
                "sourceItemId": "myprop1_ID",
                "destinationItemId": "5"

Example 6: DmsApp-Mapping-NoMappingFoundForSourceProperty

HTTP/1.1 200 OK
    "responseDetails": [
            "code": "DmsApp-Mapping-NoMappingFoundForSourceProperty",
            "title": "Ignored source property",
            "detail": "The source property with the ID 'PROP3' was ignored because no mapping to a destination property was found.",
            "hint": "Please configure a mapping for the given source property or contact your administrator.",
            "data": {
                "sourceItemId": "PROP3"

Example 7: DmsApp-Mapping-NoSourceProperties

HTTP/1.1 200 OK
    "responseDetails": [
            "code": "DmsApp-Mapping-NoSourceProperties",
            "title": "No source properties given",
            "detail": "No source properties were given that could be mapped."

Example 8: DmsApp-Mapping-NoValuesGivenForSourceProperty

HTTP/1.1 200 OK
    "responseDetails": [
            "code": "DmsApp-Mapping-NoValuesGivenForSourceProperty",
            "title": "Ignored source property",
            "detail": "The source property with the ID 'myprop1_ID' was ignored because no values were given.",
            "data": {
                "sourceItemId": "myprop1_ID"

Example 9: DmsApp-Mapping-PropertyStatusIgnored

HTTP/1.1 200 OK
    "responseDetails": [
            "code": "DmsApp-Mapping-PropertyStatusIgnored",
            "title": "Ignored source property",
            "detail": "The source property with the ID 'myprop1_ID' was ignored because it is mapped to the destination property 'status' (ID: 'property_state') and other source properties were given. A status transfer is only possible if no other properties are changed.",
            "hint": "For a status transfer please send only the property ‘status’. Change the other properties in another request.",
            "data": {
                "sourceItemId": "myprop1_ID",
                "destinationItemId": "property_state"

Example 10: DmsApp-Mapping-UnknownDestinationCategory

HTTP/1.1 200 OK
    "responseDetails": [
            "code": "DmsApp-Mapping-UnknownDestinationCategory",
            "title": "Ignored source category",
            "detail": "The source category with the ID 'mycat1_ID' was ignored because the mapped destination category with the id 'destcat1_ID' is unknown or the user does not have permission for the category.",          
            "data": {
                "sourceItemId": "mycat1_ID",
                "destinationItemId": "destcat1_ID"
Feedback using "SuccessCallback" and "Userdata"

This chapter explains how to receive feedback about the saving process. In addition, you can provide the user with various options in the storage dialog. If the saving process was successful, you can analyze the options that were selected by a user in your source system. However, you can also receive feedback without having provided options to the user.

Providing options for the user in the storage dialog

In addition to the mapping process data, you can display various options to your users in the storage dialog. The user can select one of the options. In order to make these options available, add the userdata array to the JSON object sourceProperties. For more information, see Defining the parameters for storage.

You can suggest a possible selection to the user. If you do not suggest an option, the user must select an option him/herself prior to saving the DMS object. Once saving has been successfully performed, the option selected by the user is transferred to the (successCallbackUri) URL.

The JSON object sourceProperties with the userdata array looks as follows:

    "properties": [ 
        "userdata": [{
       "key": "postProcessingOption",
       "display": "My post processing options",
       "values": [
                    {"value":"1", "display": "Action 1", "default":"false"},
                    {"value":"2", "display": "Default action 2", "default":"true"},
                    {"value":"3", "display": "Action 3", "default":"false"}

Feedback after successfully saving

If you would like to receive feedback, specify the successCallbackUri parameter as soon as the DMS object was successfully saved. You will receive an HTTP POST request for this URL with a JSON object in the request.

The request to send a DMSApp could appear as follows:


POST /myapp/sources/mysource/myfile/success
Origin: https://baseuri
Accept: application/hal+json
Content-Type: application/hal+json

    "_links": {
        "dmsobjectwithmapping": { 
            "href": "/dms/r/dee1f3d3-eae8-5d9d-84d8-2d758c5ddc27/o2m/D000001234?sourceId=%2Fmyapp%2Fsources%2Fmysourc" 
        "userdata": [
            "postProcessingOption": ["2"]

Description of the JSON object that is transferred for POST:




Contains the dmsobjectwithmapping link relation. The link relation is a relative URL for the details of the stored DMS object.


Specifies the array with the results of which options a user had selected as name-value pair (key value). The userdata property only exists if you have provided options to the user.

Provide a corresponding HTTP status code as a response to the request of the DMSApp. Based on your status code, the storage dialog displays a corresponding success or error message. You can transmit additional information in your response as a JSON object.

Example of your response for a request:


HTTP/1.1 400 BadRequest
    "reason": "My error message",
    "severity": 3

Description of the parameters for the response to the request:




An optional short description of why the error has occurred. This text is used as the error message’s title.


An optional message for the user containing troubleshooting tips.


Optional detailed information about the error.


Optional error severity. Possible values are:

Success = 0,
Information = 1,
Warning = 2,
Error = 3
Deleting the current version of a DMS object without user interaction

Released: JSON representation

You can delete the current version of an existing DMS object in a d.3 repository without the need for action by the user.

To delete the current version of a DMS object, you must perform the following steps:

  • Determining the URL for a repository

  • Determine the link relation for the existing DMS object

  • Determine the link relation for deleting the current version of an existing DMS object

  • Open the URL to delete the current version of the DMS object

Determining the URL for a repository

In the chapter Determining a repository, you can learn how to determine the URL for a repository.

Determine the link relation for the existing DMS object

To determine a URL for an existing DMS object, perform a search and evaluate the self link relation for an item in the result list. The chapter Retrieving and viewing the results of a search operation provides you with more information about performing a search and the description of a result list item.

Determining the link relation for deleting the current version of the existing DMS object

To determine the URL for deleting the current version of the DMS object, evaluate the delete and deleteWithReason link relations for an item in the result list. If it is essential for a reason for deletion to be specified, for example, when deleting a version that has already been released, the deleteWithReason link relation is available. Otherwise, the delete link relation contains the URL for deletion. If both link relations are missing, please check the authorizations for deleting the version of the DMS object. If the existing DMS object is being processed, the authenticated user must be the one processing the DMS object.

Open the URL to delete the current version of the DMS object

Send an HTTP DELETErequest for the delete or deleteWithReason link relations determined for the existing DMS object. If you want to a reason for deletion to be communicated, this must be entered in the body of the request. The reason for deletion must contain at least 3 characters and have a maximum of 80 characters.


DELETE /dms/r/dee1f3d3-eae8-5d9d-84d8-2d758c5ddc27/o2m/A00000001
Origin: https://baseuri
Accept: application/hal+json
Content-Type: application/hal+json

{"reason":"Created accidentally."}

If the call is successful, HTTP 200 OK is returned: If the body is empty, the entire DMS object was deleted. If the DMS object contains more versions, the body contains additional link relations. If it contains the self link relation, it means there are more versions for the DMS object and you can call up more details for the DMS object using this URL. You can delete the next version of the DMS object using the delete or deleteWithReason link relations. If these link relations are not available, it means that the user is not authorized to delete the next version.


HTTP/1.1 200 OK

        "_links": {
        "self": {
                "href": "/dms/r/dee1f3d3-eae8-5d9d-84d8-2d758c5ddc27/o2m/A00000001"
                "delete": {
                "href": "/dms/r/dee1f3d3-eae8-5d9d-84d8-2d758c5ddc27/o2m/A00000001"

If deletion of the version fails, an appropriate response is displayed. For more information, see Overview of formats for errors.

The exclusive processing of a DMS object is required so users in Microsoft Office 365 can process an element. If processing via Office 365 is not complete, the request fails, and you receive the status code 403 Forbidden with the corresponding error information as the response. Please repeat the request at a later time.

Retrieving, saving and editing mapping

Released: JSON representation

In this chapter, you can learn how to create and manage mapping for properties and for the categories of a source system (for instance, an e-mail application) for a d.3 repository. This mapping is used for storage, for retrieving the details of an element and for retrieving and displaying the results of searches in d.3one integrations. When saving a mapping, you choose which external data (for instance, the properties of an e-mail) is assigned to which d.3 document property.

There can only be one unique mapping for each source in a source system.

The Defining a source system chapter explains how to create a source for mapping. In the Basic information about mapping chapter, you can find general information for helping you to create mappings. For useful information about write access, see Basic information about write access.

Determining the link relation for managing mapping

In the chapter Determining a repository, you can learn how to determine the URL for a repository. Then, execute an HTTP Get request for the REST resource for a repository as follows:


GET /dms/r/dee1f3d3-eae8-5d9d-84d8-2d758c5ddc27
Accept: application/hal+json

The JSON object for a repository contains the link relation mappingconfig.


        "_links": {
                "mappingconfig": {
                        "href": "/dms/r/dee1f3d3-eae8-5d9d-84d8-2d758c5ddc27/m/"
        "id": "dee1f3d3-eae8-5d9d-84d8-2d758c5ddc27"

Storing mapping

Send an HTTP POST request with the mapping for your source system as the Body for the URL that you received in the mappingconfig link relation. If the mapping is stored successfully, you receive the HTTP status code 201 Created.


POST https://host/dms/r/dee1f3d3-eae8-5d9d-84d8-2d758c5ddc27/m HTTP/1.1
Origin: https://host
Accept: application/hal+json
Content-Type: application/hal+json

        name: "My Source",
        sourceId: "/myapp/sources/mysource",
        mappingItems: [{
                destination: "RECH",
                source: "mycategory1_ID",
                type: 1
                destination: "3",
                source: "myprop1_ID",
                type: 0
                destination: "property_caption",
                source: "myprop2_ID",
                type: 0

The JSON object that is transferred to POST is described as follows:


Property of a contained object




Specifies the name of the mapping.



Indicates the unique identifier of the source.

The ID must be a relative URI. The relative URI should start with the name of the app that provides the source system in order to ensure uniqueness (e.g. /myapp/sources/mysource).



Specifies the array with the mapping elements. This array maps the properties and categories from the source system to the properties and categories of the d.3 repository.


Specifies the mapping element type. Possible values are:

When the value is 0, the mapping element relates to a property.

When the value is 1, the mapping element relates to a category.


Specifies the ID of the property in the source system.


When you map a category, destination specifies the ID of the category in the d.3 repository.

If you map a property, destination contains one of the following values:

  • The advanced property ID as it is defined in the d.3 repository.

  • property_last_modified_date

  • property_last_alteration_date

  • property_editor

  • property_remark1

  • property_remark2

  • property_remark3

  • property_remark4

  • property_owner

  • property_caption

  • property_filename

  • property_filetype

  • property_document_number

  • property_variant_number

  • property_creation_date

  • property_size

  • property_state

  • property_access_date

  • property_colorcode

When you want to specify the creation date (property_creation_date) of the DMS object, the specification of the property is only considered when a new DMS object is saved without any user interaction. For more information, see Storing a new DMS object without user interaction.

Please note that you can only specify d.3 properties as target that are assigned to at least one d.3 category as property.

Retrieving stored mapping

To retrieve the mapping, execute an HTTP GET request for the URL /dms/r/<RepositoryID>/m?sourceId=<SourceID>. The value of the sourceID property indicates the unique identifier of the source (for example, /myapp/sources/mysource).


GET https://host/dms/r/dee1f3d3-eae8-5d9d-84d8-2d758c5ddc27/m?sourceId=%2Fmyapp%2Fsources%2Fmysource HTTP/1.1
Accept: application/hal+json

As the response, you receive the object with the stored mapping.


HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Type: application/hal+json

        mappings: [{
                _links: {
                        self: {
                                href: "/dms/r/dee1f3d3-eae8-5d9d-84d8-2d758c5ddc27/m/<MappingContainerID>"
                name: "My Source",
                sourceId: "/myapp/sources/mysource",
                mappingItems: [{
                        destination: "RECH",
                        source: "mycategory1_ID",
                        type: 1
                        destination: "3",
                        source: "myprop1_ID",
                        type: 0
                        destination: "property_caption",
                        source: "myprop2_ID",
                        type: 0

The properties of the objects are the same properties as when the mappings are stored.

Deleting stored mapping

When you retrieve mapping for your source, you receive a link relation for each stored mapping (_links.self.href). For this URL, you can execute an HTTP Delete request to delete the mapping.


DELETE https://host/dms/r/dee1f3d3-eae8-5d9d-84d8-2d758c5ddc27/m/<MappingContainerID> HTTP/1.1
Origin: https://host
Accept: application/hal+json

Editing stored mapping

When you retrieve mapping for your source, you receive a link relation for each stored mapping (_links.self.href). For this URL, you can execute an HTTP PUT request to update the map. The object that you transfer is the same as the object for storing mapping.


PUT https://host/dms/r/dee1f3d3-eae8-5d9d-84d8-2d758c5ddc27/m/<MappingContainerID> HTTP/1.1
Origin: https://host
Accept: application/hal+json
Content-Type: application/hal+json

        name: "My Source",
        sourceId: "/myapp/sources/mysource",
        mappingItems: [{
                destination: "RECH",
                source: "mycategory1_ID",
                type: 1
                destination: "3",
                source: "myprop1_ID",
                type: 0
                destination: "property_caption",
                source: "myprop2_ID",
                type: 0
Retrieving and saving the notes of a DMS object

Released: JSON representation

This chapter explains how to retrieve and save the notes of a DMS object.

To retrieve or save the notes of a DMS object, you must perform the following steps:

  • Determining the URL for a repository

  • Determine and open the link relation for retrieving the details of a DMS object

  • Determine the link relation for retrieving the notes of a DMS object

  • Open the URL for the notes of a DMS object

Determining the URL for a repository

In the chapter Determining a repository, you can learn how to determine the URL for a repository.

Determine and open the link relation for retrieving the details of a DMS object

In the chapter Retrieving and viewing the details of a DMS object, you can learn how to determine and open the URL for retrieving the details of a DMS object.

Determine the link relation for retrieving the notes of a DMS object

The JSON object for the details of a DMS object contains the link relation notes, which you can use to retrieve the notes of the DMS object.


  "_links": {    
           "href": "/dms/r/dee1f3d3-eae8-5d9d-84d8-2d758c5ddc27/o2m/D000000123/n"
  "id": "D000000123"  

Retrieving the notes of a DMS object

Retrieve the notes of the DMS object with the previously determined URL as follows:


GET https://host/dms/r/dee1f3d3-eae8-5d9d-84d8-2d758c5ddc27/o2m/D000000123/n HTTP/1.1
Accept: application/hal+json

As the response, you receive the object with the notes of the DMS object:


HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Type: application/hal+json

    "_links": {
        "self": {
            "href": "/dms/r/dee1f3d3-eae8-5d9d-84d8-2d758c5ddc27/o2m/D000000123/n"
            "creator" : {
                "id": "MargaS"
                "displayName": "Marga Schilling"
            "text": "This is a sample text."
            "created": "2019-09-03T09:09:09.453+02:00"




self: self-referencing link (self-link)


Specifies the array with the note elements of the DMS object.

Structure of a note element




Returns an object with information on the user who has written the note.


Contains the content of the note.


Specifies the unique timestamp indicating the time the note was written. The timestamp is returned in ISO format.

Structure of a creator object




Returns the unique ID of the d.3 user.


Returns the display name of the d.3 user.

Saving the notes of a DMS object

With a HTTP POST request for the previously determined URL you can create a note for a DMS object. If you want to create multiple notes, repeat the process. Save a note as follows:


POST https://host/dms/r/dee1f3d3-eae8-5d9d-84d8-2d758c5ddc27/o2m/D000000123/n HTTP/1.1
Content-Type: application/json
Content-Length: 42

    "text": "This is a sample text."


HTTP/1.1 200 OK

Structure of the note object




Contains the content of the note.

Retrieving and displaying the versions of a DMS object

Released: JSON representation, HTML page

You can retrieve the versions of a DMS object as JSON representations or display the versions of a DMS object.

To retrieve or display the versions of a DMS object, you must perform the following steps:

  • Determine the link relation for retrieving and displaying the versions of a DMS object

  • Open the URL for the versions of a DMS object

Determine the link relation for retrieving and displaying the versions of a DMS object

In the chapter Retrieving and viewing the details of a DMS object, you can learn how to determine the link relation for the versions of a DMS object.

Retrieving and displaying the versions of a DMS object (JSON representation)

Once you have the URL of the versions from the link relation, then you can retrieve the versions of a DMS object as follows:


GET /dms/r/dee1f3d3-eae8-5d9d-84d8-2d758c5ddc27/o2m/D000000123/v/
Accept: application/json
Accept-Language: en

The following JSON object will then be returned as a result:


  "_links": {
    "self": {
      "href": "/dms/r/dee1f3d3-eae8-5d9d-84d8-2d758c5ddc27/o2m/D000000123/v/"
  "versions": [{ 
      "_links": { 
        "mainblobcontent": { 
          "href": "/dms/r/dee1f3d3-eae8-5d9d-84d8-2d758c5ddc27/o2/D000000123/v/6_3/b/main/c" 
        "pdfblobcontent": {
          "href": "/dms/r/dee1f3d3-eae8-5d9d-84d8-2d758c5ddc27/o2/D000000123/v/6_3/b/p1/c"
        "self": { 
          "href": "/dms/r/dee1f3d3-eae8-5d9d-84d8-2d758c5ddc27/o2m/D000000123/v/6_3"
      "alterationText": "",
      "caption": "3 Processing",
      "id": "6_3",
      "_links": { 
        "mainblobcontent": { 
          "href": "/dms/r/dee1f3d3-eae8-5d9d-84d8-2d758c5ddc27/o2/D000000123/v/3_2/b/main/c" 
        "pdfblobcontent": {
          "href": "/dms/r/dee1f3d3-eae8-5d9d-84d8-2d758c5ddc27/o2/D000000123/v/3_2/b/p1/c"
        "self": { 
          "href": "/dms/r/dee1f3d3-eae8-5d9d-84d8-2d758c5ddc27/o2m/D000000123/v/3_2"
      "alterationText": "Reasons for changes",
      "caption": "2 Release",
      "id": "3_2",
      "_links": { 
        "mainblobcontent": { 
          "href": "/dms/r/dee1f3d3-eae8-5d9d-84d8-2d758c5ddc27/o2/D000000123/v/1_1/b/main/c" 
        "pdfblobcontent": {
          "href": "/dms/r/dee1f3d3-eae8-5d9d-84d8-2d758c5ddc27/o2/D000000123/v/1_1/b/p1/c"
        "self": { 
          "href": "/dms/r/dee1f3d3-eae8-5d9d-84d8-2d758c5ddc27/o2m/D000000123/v/1_1"
      "alterationText": "Reasons for changes",
      "caption": "1 Archive",
      "id": "1_1",




Contains the link relations:

self: Self-link


Specifies the array with the versions.

Structure of a version




Contains the link relations for the version of a DMS object.

mainblobcontent: Relative download URL for the main document of the DMS object version.

pdfblobcontent: Relative download URL for the dependent PDF document of the version of the DMS object. You will only receive this URL if a dependent PDF document has been created for the DMS object.

self: Self-link.


Specifies the alteration text for the release of the version.


Specifies the display name of the version. This value is output for the specific language by evaluating the Accept-Language HTTP header.


Specifies the creation date of the version.


Specifies the ID of the version.


Specifies the type of the main document.


Specifies the status of the version. The values available are Processing, Verification, Released and Archived.

Retrieving and displaying the versions of a DMS object (HTML page)

If you want to call the HTML view of the versions, determine the link relation for the versions of a DMS object. Enter the URL in the browser to view the HTML page. This HTML page contains the list of the versions of a DMS object.



GET /dms/r/dee1f3d3-eae8-5d9d-84d8-2d758c5ddc27/o2m/D000000123/v/
Accept: text/html
Linking DMS objects

Released: JSON representation

In this chapter, you can learn how to link DMS objects with other DMS objects hierarchically independent from their type.

To link DMS objects to each other, perform the following steps:

  • Determining the URL for a repository

  • Determine and open the link relation for retrieving the details of a DMS object

  • Determine the link relation for linking DMS objects

  • Linking DMS objects

Determining the URL for a repository

In the chapter Determining a repository, you can learn how to determine the URL for a repository.

Determine and open the link relation for retrieving the details of a DMS object

In the chapter Retrieving and viewing the details of a DMS object, you can learn how to determine and open the URL for retrieving the details of a DMS object.

Determine the link relation for linking DMS objects

The JSON object for the details of a DMS object contains the link relation linkDmsObjects, which you can use to link DMS objects.


    "_links": {   
            "href": "/dms/r/dee1f3d3-eae8-5d9d-84d8-2d758c5ddc27/o2m/D000000123/children"
    "id": "D000000123" 

Linking DMS objects

To link a DMS object to the transferred DMS objects, execute an HTTP POST request with the list of IDs of the DMS objects to be linked as the body to the URL determined above as follows:


POST https://host/dms/r/dee1f3d3-eae8-5d9d-84d8-2d758c5ddc27/o2m/D000000123/children HTTP/1.1
Accept: application/hal+json

Content-Type: application/hal+json

    "dmsObjectIds": [

The JSON object that is transferred to POST is described as follows:




Specifies the array with the IDs of the DMS objects (of the String type) that are to be linked to the DMS object.

As the response, you receive the HTTP status code 200 (OK) if the link was successful. If the link was not successful or was successful only for individual DMS objects, you receive the HTTP status code 207 (multi-status) and a list with detailed information about the individual link operations.

Example of a response to a partly failed request:


HTTP/1.1 207 Multi-Status
Content-Type: application/hal+json
 "requestId": "XyErwIKPhyGaMg9dxcGksgAAA@A",
 "linkDocumentErrorPageModels": [
     "dmsObjectId": "D000000089",
     "errorPageModel": {
       "reason": "These documents are already linked to each other! [0000071] ",
       "severity": 1,
       "errorCode": 71
     "dmsObjectId": "D000000127",
     "errorPageModel": {
       "reason": "These documents are already linked to each other! [0000071] ",
       "severity": 1,
       "errorCode": 71
     "dmsObjectId": "D000004567",
     "errorPageModel": {
       "reason": "These documents are already linked to each other! [0000071] ",
       "severity": 1,
       "errorCode": 71

Description of parameters for response upon a failed request:




ID of the associated request During additional requests, the ID is transferred to other apps and serves tracing purposes when an action is processed.


An array with error messages for a link operation.

Structure of a response object for a link operation




The ID of the DMS object to be linked.


An object with a description of whether the link was successful.

Response format for errors




An optional error code, as returned by d.3 server.


An optional short description of why the error has occurred. This text is used as the error message’s title.


Optional error severity. Possible values are:

Success = 0,
Information = 1,
Warning = 2,
Error = 3
Removing a DMS object link

This function is available only for on-premises installations.

Released: JSON representation

This chapter explains how to remove the link between two DMS objects. You can only remove links of DMS objects individually.

To remove the link between two DMS objects, you must perform the following steps:

  • Determining the URL for a repository

  • Determine and open the link relation for retrieving the details of a DMS object

  • Determine the link relation for removing the link between two DMS objects

  • Open the URL for removing the link between two DMS objects

Determining the URL for a repository

In the chapter Determining a repository, you can learn how to determine the URL for a repository.

Determine and open the link relation for retrieving the details of a DMS object

In the chapter Retrieving and viewing the details of a DMS object, you can learn how to determine and open the URL for retrieving the details of a DMS object.

Determine the link relation for removing the link between two DMS objects

The JSON object for the details of a DMS object contains the link relation unlinkDmsObject with a placeholder for the ID of the parent DMS object for which you want to remove the link to the dossier.


    "_links": {    
        "unlinkDmsObject": { 
            "href": "/dms/r/dee1f3d3-eae8-5d9d-84d8-2d758c5ddc27/o2m/{parentDmsObjectId}/children/D000004567" 
    "id": "D000000123" 

Open the URL for removing the link between two DMS objects

Execute an HTTP DELETE request with the ID of the DMS object as a parameter in the URL determined above as follows to remove the link between the DMS object and the dossier:


DELETE https://host/dms/r/dee1f3d3-eae8-5d9d-84d8-2d758c5ddc27/o2m/D000000123/children/D000004567 HTTP/1.1 
Accept: application/hal+json

As the response, you receive the HTTP status code 200 (OK) if the removal of the link was successful. If the removal of the link was unsuccessful, you receive the HTTP status code 400 (bad request) and detailed information about the error.

Example for a response upon a failed request:


HTTP/1.1 400 Bad Request 
Content-Type: application/hal+json 

  "reason": "These two documents are not linked with each other. [0000073] ",
  "severity": 1,
  "errorCode": 73,
  "requestId": "XyEWT4KPhyGaMg9dxcGNiAAAA@c"

If you want to remove multiple DMS objects, repeat this step.

Description of parameters for response upon a failed request:

Response format for errors




An optional short description of why the error has occurred. This text is used as the error message’s title.


Optional error severity. Possible values are:

Success = 0,
Information = 1,
Warning = 2,
Error = 3


An optional error code, as returned by d.3 server.


ID of the associated request During additional requests, the ID is transferred to other apps and serves tracing purposes when an action is processed.
