Displaying the storage dialog

Released: HTML page 

The storage dialog for the Storage feature allows you to save and update DMS objects.

After you open the storage dialog in the browser and enter values, you are shown the link for calling the displayed dialog, including your entered values, in the URL. You can use this link as a bookmark in the browser, for example, so that you can always display the storage dialog with the entered values. This chapter explains how this link is structured.

If you want to connect an external system, you can find more information about storing new DMS objects using the storage dialog in Storing new DMS objects with user interaction. For information on how to prepare and display the storage dialog for updating from an external system, see chapter Updating DMS objects with user interaction.

Determining the link relation for displaying the storage dialog 

If you call the root resource /dms, you receive in response a JSON object with the link relation new, which you can use to display the storage dialog, as the response.

The request for the root resource /dms:


GET /dms
Accept: application/hal+json

The JSON object of the root resource contains the link relation new:


        _links: {
                new: {
                        href: "/dms/new/"

Specifying response control parameters 

You control the behavior of the storage dialog using the following parameters. You must encode the URL parameters (e.g. spaces in %20). The length of the encoded query parameter is limited to 2000 characters.




Specifies the category (storage type) in the storage dialog. The only possible value is dossier. Type opens the storage dialog for creating dossiers.


Defines the repository ID.


Specifies the category to be selected in the storage dialog. Specify the ID of a category. If you do not make a specification, no category is selected.

Examples (not encoded):

  • objectdefinitionid=RECH: Selects the category "Invoice" ("RECH") for storage.


A JSON object that you can use to set the following properties:

  • Document number: property_document_number 

  • Variant number: property_variant_number 

  • Document status: property_state (the possible values are Be for Processing (Bearbeitung), Pr for Verification (Prüfung), Fr for Release (Freigabe) and Ar for Archive (Archiv).

  • Editor: property_editor (d.3 user ID)

  • Remark 1: property_remark1 

  • Remark 2: property_remark2 

  • Remark 3: property_remark3 

  • Remark 4: property_remark4 

  • Color marking: property_colorcode (is an integer value between 1 and 24 that correspond to the number of the color code you want to assign).

You can also set values for advanced properties. The ID of the property corresponds to the identifier (RID) of the property. You can find the ID in the URL in the address bar of your browser. After you open the storage dialog in the browser and enter values, you are shown the link for calling the displayed dialog, including your entered values, in the URL.

You can set values for advanced properties as follows.

  • properties={"227"=["KND001"]} 

For multi-values, you must also set the row number:

  • properties={"232":{"1":"Name1@contoso.com", "2":"Name2@contoso.com"}} 

Opening the URL for the storage dialog 

You have generated a URL for the storage dialog. If you open the URL in the browser, the storage dialog is loaded with the transferred parameters.


Use cases for various calls of the storage dialog:

  • Storage in a category: Add the part objectdefinitionid=<category ID> to the URL.

https://<Base address>/dms/new/?repositoryid=<RepositoryID>&objectdefinitionid=RECH 

  • Storing with an alphanumeric property: Add properties={"227":"KND001"} (not encoded) to the properties parameter in the URL to propose the property field with the RID 227 (customer number) and the value "KND001" as the customer number. 

https://<Base address>/dms/new/?repositoryid=<RepositoryID>&objectdefinitionid=RECH&properties=%7B%22227%22%3A%22KND001%22%7D

  • Storage with multiple properties: Add properties={"227":"KND001","231":"-100"} (not encoded) to the properties parameter in the URL to propose the property field with the RID 227 (customer number) with the value "KND001" and the property field with the RID 231 (invoice amount) with the value -100.

https://<Base address>/dms/new/?repositoryid=<RepositoryID>&objectdefinitionid=RECH&properties=%7B%22227%22%3A%22KND001%22%2C%22231%22%3A%22-100%22%7D

  • Storage with multi-values: Add properties={"232":{"1":"Name1@contoso.com", "2":"Name2@contoso.com"}} (not encoded) to the properties parameter in the URL to propose the property field with the RID 232 (e-mail) with the values "Name1@contoso.com" and "Name2@contoso.com".

https://<Base address>/dms/new/?repositoryid=<RepositoryID>&objectdefinitionid=RECH&properties=%7B%22227%22%3A%22KND001%22%2C%22231%22%3A%22-100%22%2C%22232%22%3A%7B%221%22%3A%22Name1%40contoso.com%22%2C%20%222%22%3A%22Name2%40contoso.com%22%7D%7D