Displaying the preview of a DMS object

Released: HTML page

The View perspective offers you a preview for the selected item. You can use the content of the perspective for an item directly without loading the other perspectives.

To display only the preview of a DMS object, you must perform the following steps:

  • Determining the URL for a repository

  • Determine the link relation for displaying the preview

  • Open the URL for displaying the preview

Determining the URL for a repository

In the chapter Determining a repository, you can learn how to determine the URL for a repository.

Determine the link relation for displaying the preview

You open the URL for a repository as follows:


GET /dms/r/dee1f3d3-eae8-5d9d-84d8-2d758c5ddc27
Accept: application/hal+json

The JSON object for a repository contains the link relation dmsobjectpreview with the placeholder dmsobjectid.


        _links: {
                dmsobjectpreview: {
                        href: "/dms/r/dee1f3d3-eae8-5d9d-84d8-2d758c5ddc27/o2/{dmsobjectid}/preview{?isReadonly}",
                        templated: true
        id: "dee1f3d3-eae8-5d9d-84d8-2d758c5ddc27"

Replace the {dmsobjectid} placeholder with the ID of the DMS object that you want to view directly in the preview.

Specifying response control parameters




Specifies whether the preview is displayed in read mode (default value: false). In read mode, it is also not possible to apply visual annotations to PDF documents, for example.

Use the parameter isReadonly=true if the preview is displayed in the inner supply (InnerSupply) of the operating concept.

Open the URL for displaying the preview

You open the preview as follows:


GET /dms/r/dee1f3d3-eae8-5d9d-84d8-2d758c5ddc27/o2/P0123456789/preview
Accept: text/html

The preview of the DMS object is then loaded as a result.