Configuring the tabs
In the Dashboard section you can configure up to 5 tabs for the contract management start page.
This is how it works
Change the configuration according to your needs.
Save the changed configuration.
Please also refer to the following chapters:
Parameters for configuring the tabs
You can make the following settings for each element of the tabs:
titles: Create the translations for all languages supported by the application for the tabs you see in the dashboard.
name: This name is only displayed if you have not assigned a title under titles for the corresponding language.
relativeListUrl: The relative URL to the list, without the hostname and without the number at the end. (for the example configuration the lists "ecsContracts0" and "ecsContracts1" are created)
query: A CAML search that searches the list items. For more information on CAML search, see with the search term"query schema in CAML"
maxitemcount: Maximum number of search results that will be queried. To ensure a clear display, there is a limit of 100 entries.
sortField: It is sorted according to this field.
name: Field name
ascending: Ascending sorting.
name: The name of the field to be displayed.
width (optional): The width of the field.
Example of tabs configuration
With the example configuration, for example, the most recently modified contracts are displayed on the start page of d.velop contracts for Microsoft 365 under Last modified.
Internally, there are two different fields for the date of cancelation:
Calculated date of cancelation (ecsNextTermination).
Manual date of cancelation (ecsTerminationDate).
Due to logic in the application, the values of both fields are displayed in a single column in the dashboard as soon as either column is listed in viewFields. However, both fields must still be queried in the formulation of the search.
Therefore, use only the ecsNextTermination field in the viewFields list.
Dashboard configuration example
[ { "name": "LastChanged", "titles": { "de": "Zuletzt geändert", "en": "Last modified" }, "relativeListUrl": "/ecsContracts", "query": "<Where><And><Eq><FieldRef Name='FSObjType' /><Value Type='Lookup'>1</Value></Eq><Eq><FieldRef Name='Editor' /><Value Type='Integer'><UserID Type='Integer' /></Value></Eq></And></Where>", "sortField": { "name": "Modified", "ascending": false }, "viewFields": [ { "name": "ecsSubjectOfContract" }, { "name": "ecsCPLookup" }, { "name": "ecsContractType" }, { "name": "ecsContractState" }, { "name": "Modified", "width": 120 } ], "maxitemcount": 25 }, { "name": "UpcomingDeadlines", "titles": { "de": "Anstehende Fristen", "en": "Upcoming Deadlines" }, "relativeListUrl": "/ecsContracts", "query": "<Where><And><Eq><FieldRef Name='FSObjType'/><Value Type='Lookup'>1</Value></Eq><And><Eq><FieldRef Name='ecsResponsible'/><Value Type='Integer'><UserID Type='Integer'/></Value></Eq><Or><And><Eq><FieldRef Name='ecsCalculatePeriods'/><Value Type='Boolean'>0</Value></Eq><Lt><FieldRef Name='ecsTerminationDate'/><Value Type='Datetime'><Today OffsetDays='+92'/></Value></Lt></And><And><Eq><FieldRef Name='ecsCalculatePeriods'/><Value Type='Boolean'>1</Value></Eq><Lt><FieldRef Name='ecsNextTermination'/><Value Type='Datetime'><Today OffsetDays='+92'/></Value></Lt></And></Or></And></And></Where>", "sortField": { "name": "ecsNextTermination" }, "viewFields": [ { "name": "ecsSubjectOfContract" }, { "name": "ecsContractType" }, { "name": "ecsCPLookup" }, { "name": "Modified", "width": 120 }, { "name": "ecsNextTermination", "width": 120 } ], "maxitemcount": 25 }, { "name": "MyTasks", "titles": { "de": "Meine Aufgaben", "en": "My tasks" }, "relativeListUrl": "/Lists/ecsTasks", "query": "<Where><And><Eq><FieldRef Name='FSObjType' /><Value Type='Lookup'>0</Value></Eq><And><Eq><FieldRef Name='ecsResponsible' /><Value Type='Integer'><UserID Type='Integer' /></Value></Eq><Neq><FieldRef Name='ecsTaskState' LookupId='True' /><Value Type='Lookup'>${ecsTaskState.Completed.WSSId}</Value></Neq></And></And></Where>", "sortField": { "name": "ecsTaskDueDate", "ascending": true }, "viewFields": [ { "name": "ecsSubjectOfContract", "width": 120 }, { "name": "ecsCPLookup" }, { "name": "ecsContractType" }, { "name": "Title" }, { "name": "ecsTaskDueDate", "width": 120 }, { "name": "ecsTaskState" } ], "maxitemcount": 50 }, { "name": "MyTasksDelegated", "titles": { "de": "Meine delegierten Aufgaben", "en": "My delegated tasks" }, "relativeListUrl": "/Lists/ecsTasks", "query": "<Where><And><Neq><FieldRef Name='ecsResponsible' /><Value Type='Integer'><UserID Type='Integer' /></Value></Neq><And><Eq><FieldRef Name='FSObjType' /><Value Type='Lookup'>0</Value></Eq><And><Eq><FieldRef Name='Author' /><Value Type='Integer'><UserID Type='Integer' /></Value></Eq><Neq><FieldRef Name='ecsTaskState' LookupId='True' /><Value Type='Lookup'>${ecsTaskState.Completed.WSSId}</Value></Neq></And></And></And></Where>", "sortField": { "name": "ecsTaskDueDate", "ascending": true }, "viewFields": [ { "name": "ecsSubjectOfContract", "width": 120 }, { "name": "ecsCPLookup" }, { "name": "ecsContractType" }, { "name": "Title" }, { "name": "ecsTaskState" }, { "name": "Created", "width": 120 }, { "name": "Modified", "width": 120 }, { "name": "ecsTaskDueDate", "width": 120 }, { "name": "ecsResponsible" } ], "maxitemcount": 50 }, { "name": "NoDocs", "titles": { "de": "Unvollständige Verträge", "en": "Incomplete Contracts" }, "relativeListUrl": "/ecsContracts", "query": "<Where><And><Eq><FieldRef Name='FSObjType' /><Value Type='Lookup'>1</Value></Eq><And><Eq><FieldRef Name='Author' /><Value Type='Integer'><UserID Type='Integer' /></Value></Eq><Or><Eq><FieldRef Name='ecsContractState' /><Value Type='Lookup'>${ecsContractState.Draft.WSSId}</Value></Eq><Or><IsNull><FieldRef Name='ecsContainingDocumentTypes' /></IsNull><Or><IsNull><FieldRef Name='ecsSubjectOfContract' /></IsNull><Or><IsNull><FieldRef Name='ecsCPLookup' /></IsNull><Or><IsNull><FieldRef Name='ecsContractOrganization' /></IsNull><IsNull><FieldRef Name='ecsResponsible' /></IsNull></Or></Or></Or></Or></Or></And></And></Where>", "viewFields": [ { "name": "ecsSubjectOfContract" }, { "name": "ecsCPLookup" }, { "name": "ecsContractType" }, { "name": "ecsResponsible" }, { "name": "ecsContractState" }, { "name": "ecsContractStart", "width": 120 }, { "name": "Modified", "width": 120 } ], "sortField": { "name": "Modified", "ascending": true }, "maxitemcount": 50 } ]