User Profile app


In this topic, you can find general information about the User Profile app and its scope of functions, as well as helpful knowledge for programming functions and customizing.

Scope of functions of the User Profile app

The User Profile app provides an overview page for the user who is currently logged in. It also lets the user manage his or her own absences. As the user, you can query and change your absence status and other associated information using a REST API. You also have the option to set a notification path for your app, which will be invoked when users' absences change, so you can react to the changes immediately.

Using the API functions

The User Profile app provides an API interface that you can use to carry out the following actions:

Calling the absence status of a user and information about the absence

To call the current absence status of a user and other information about the absence, your app must send a GET request to the User Profile app.


GET /userprofile/api/absence[?userId=11A5C79F-D9AB-498B-9158-D3034B7E45E5]
Accept: application/json

Note about the parameter

userIdOptional. A query parameter that you can use to call the absence status of another user. If you do not use the parameter, the information for the user that is currently logged in is retrieved.


The response contains a JSON object with the following layout:

    "userId" : "11A5C79F-D9AB-498B-9158-D3034B7E45E5",
    "deputyId" : "3D789836-69DC-4C3C-8A0A-3D9D2B07B087",
    "nextPresentDeputyId" : "3D789836-69DC-4C3C-8A0A-3D9D2B07B087",
    "isAbsent" : true,
    "absenceText" : "I'm not available.",
    "startDateTime": "2020-08-27T05:52:23.7269283Z",
    "endDateTime": "2020-08-28T17:02:23.9541682Z"

Notes about the parameters

userIdstringThe ID of the user for whom the absence status is called.
deputyIdstringThe ID of the current selected delegate. If the user has not selected a delegate, this parameter contains the value null. >info: A user can also define his or her delegate before he or she is absent.
nextPresentDeputyIdstringThe ID of the next present delegate. If the selected delegate is absent at the time of the query, the ID of their selected delegate is specified. The User Profile app keeps determining a delegate for the entered delegate until a delegate that is not reported as absent is found. The query takes the respective defined delegates for the respective users into account. If a present delegate cannot be found, the parameter contains the value null. If no delegate is defined or the queried user is present, this parameter also contains the value null.
isAbsentbooleanThis parameter indicates the current absence status. If the user is absent, this parameter contains the value true.
absenceTextstringThe absence text for the user. A user can define the absence text regardless of his or her current absence status.
startDateTimestringThe starting point for the absence in the format defined in ISO 8061.
endDateTimestringThe end point for the absence in the format defined in ISO 8061.

The following HTTP status codes can be returned:

Status codeNameMeaning
200OKThe request was processed successfully.
400Bad RequestThe request could not be processed. The value of the userId parameter may be invalid.
401UnauthorizedA valid AuthSessionId was not transferred.

Defining the absence status of a user and information about the absence

To change the current absence status of a user and other information about the absence, your app must send a POST request to the User Profile app.


POST /userprofile/api/absence
Content-Type: application/json

    "userId": "11A5C79F-D9AB-498B-9158-D3034B7E45E5",
    "deputyId": "3D789836-69DC-4C3C-8A0A-3D9D2B07B087",
    "isAbsent": true,
    "absenceText": "I'm not available.",
    "startDateTime": "2020-08-27T05:52:23.7269283Z",
    "endDateTime": "2020-08-28T17:02:23.9541682Z"

Notes about the parameters

userIdstringOptional. The ID of the user whose absence status and absence information is to be changed. If you do not use the query parameter, the information for the user that is currently logged in is used.
deputyIdstringOptional. The ID of the user to be defined as the delegate.
isAbsentbooleanOptional. The absence status to be defined (absent = true).
absenceTextstringOptional. The absence text to be defined (Limited to 32768 characters).
startDateTimestringOptional. The starting point for the absence in the format defined in ISO 8061. Only dates starting from 01.01.2000 are accepted.
endDateTimestringOptional. The end point for the absence in the format defined in ISO 8061. Only dates starting from 01.01.2000 are accepted.

The userId can be used to change the absence status of another user. This is only possible for the following persons (groups) for specific users:

  • an administrator for each user
  • the supervisor for his direct subordinates
  • the supervisor's direct substitute for his direct subordinates, if the supervisor himself is absent

For optional parameters, note the following:

  • If these parameters are transferred with the value null or not transferred at all, the values already defined are not changed.
  • If you want to enter an empty value, you must transfer an empty string. Transferring empty values allows you to adapt individual parameters without having to call the current user parameters beforehand.
  • If you want to set the absence status for a different user, the parameter userId is not optional.

info: The parameter isAbsent will no longer be available in future versions. Please use the parameters startDateTime and endDateTime instead. The parameter isAbsent overwrites the two date values. If you specify all three parameters, only the parameter isAbsent is evaluated.


The following HTTP status codes can be returned as the response:

Status codeNameMeaning
200OKThe request was processed successfully.
400Bad RequestThe request could not be processed. The specified date values may be out of the supported range. Additional information is logged.
401UnauthorizedA valid AuthSessionId was not transferred.
403ForbiddenThe request could not be processed because the user that is logged in is not permitted to make changes for other users.


Below you can find several sample calls for defining the status and information and their resulting responses. Pay special attention to the obsolete parameter isAbsent in these examples.

First example: The value "true" is transferred for the parameter "isAbsent"

    "userId": "11A5C79F-D9AB-498B-9158-D3034B7E45E5",
    "deputyId": "3D789836-69DC-4C3C-8A0A-3D9D2B07B087",
    "isAbsent": true,
    "absenceText": "I'm not available.",
    "startDateTime": "<current time + 1 day>",
    "endDateTime": "<current time + 3 days>"

If you then call the information, you receive the following response. Since the parameter isAbsent was transferred, the parameters startDateTime and endDateTime are ignored.

    "userId": "11A5C79F-D9AB-498B-9158-D3034B7E45E5",
    "deputyId": "3D789836-69DC-4C3C-8A0A-3D9D2B07B087",
    "nextPresentDeputyId" : "3D789836-69DC-4C3C-8A0A-3D9D2B07B087",
    "isAbsent": true,
    "absenceText": "I'm not available.",
    "startDateTime": "<time of the 'out of office' message>",
    "endDateTime": null

Second example: The value "false" is transferred for the parameter "isAbsent".

    "userId": "11A5C79F-D9AB-498B-9158-D3034B7E45E5",
    "deputyId": "3D789836-69DC-4C3C-8A0A-3D9D2B07B087",
    "isAbsent": false,
    "absenceText": "I'm not available.",
    "startDateTime": "<current time + 1 day>",
    "endDateTime": "<current time + 3 days>"

If you then call the information, you receive the following response. Since the parameter isAbsent was transferred, the parameters startDateTime and endDateTime are ignored.

    "userId": "11A5C79F-D9AB-498B-9158-D3034B7E45E5",
    "deputyId": "3D789836-69DC-4C3C-8A0A-3D9D2B07B087",
    "nextPresentDeputyId" : "3D789836-69DC-4C3C-8A0A-3D9D2B07B087",
    "isAbsent": false,
    "absenceText": "I'm not available.",
    "startDateTime": null,
    "endDateTime": null

Third example: No value is transferred for the parameter "isAbsent" and the time of the query is within the absence time period

    "userId": "11A5C79F-D9AB-498B-9158-D3034B7E45E5",
    "deputyId": "3D789836-69DC-4C3C-8A0A-3D9D2B07B087",
    "isAbsent": null,
    "absenceText": "I'm not available.",
    "startDateTime": "<current time - 1 day>",
    "endDateTime": "<current time + 3 days>"

If you then call the information, you receive the following response:

    "userId": "11A5C79F-D9AB-498B-9158-D3034B7E45E5",
    "deputyId": "3D789836-69DC-4C3C-8A0A-3D9D2B07B087",
    "nextPresentDeputyId" : "3D789836-69DC-4C3C-8A0A-3D9D2B07B087",
    "isAbsent": true,
    "absenceText": "I'm not available.",
    "startDateTime": "<current time - 1 day>",
    "endDateTime": "<current time + 3 days>"

Fourth example: No value is transferred for the parameter "isAbsent" and the time of the query is not within the absence time period

    "userId": "11A5C79F-D9AB-498B-9158-D3034B7E45E5",
    "deputyId": "3D789836-69DC-4C3C-8A0A-3D9D2B07B087",
    "isAbsent": null,
    "absenceText": "I'm not available.",
    "startDateTime": "<current time + 1 day>",
    "endDateTime": "<current time + 3 days>"

If you then call the information, you receive the following response:

    "userId": "11A5C79F-D9AB-498B-9158-D3034B7E45E5",
    "deputyId": "3D789836-69DC-4C3C-8A0A-3D9D2B07B087",
    "nextPresentDeputyId" : "3D789836-69DC-4C3C-8A0A-3D9D2B07B087",
    "isAbsent": false,
    "absenceText": "I'm not available.",
    "startDateTime": "<current time + 1 day>",
    "endDateTime": "<current time + 3 days>"

Fifth example: No value is transferred for the parameter "isAbsent" and only an absence end point is transferred

    "userId": "11A5C79F-D9AB-498B-9158-D3034B7E45E5",
    "deputyId": "3D789836-69DC-4C3C-8A0A-3D9D2B07B087",
    "isAbsent": null,
    "absenceText": "I'm not available.",
    "startDateTime": null,
    "endDateTime": "<current time + 3 days>"

If you then call the information, you receive the following response:

    "userId": "11A5C79F-D9AB-498B-9158-D3034B7E45E5",
    "deputyId": "3D789836-69DC-4C3C-8A0A-3D9D2B07B087",
    "nextPresentDeputyId" : "3D789836-69DC-4C3C-8A0A-3D9D2B07B087",
    "isAbsent": true,
    "absenceText": "I'm not available.",
    "startDateTime": "<time of the 'out of office' message>,
    "endDateTime": "<current time + 3 days>"

Changing the absence status of a user and information about the absence

To change the current absence status of a user and other information about the absence, your app must send a PATCH request to the User Profile app.


PATCH /userprofile/api/absence
Content-Type: application/json

    "userId": "11A5C79F-D9AB-498B-9158-D3034B7E45E5",
    "absenceText": "I'm not available.",
    "startDateTime": "2020-08-27T05:52:23.7269283Z",
    "endDateTime": "2020-08-28T17:02:23.9541682Z"

Notes about the parameters

userIdstringOptional. The ID of the user whose absence status and absence information is to be changed. If you do not use the query parameter, the information for the user that is currently logged in is used.
deputyIdstringOptional. The ID of the user to be defined as the delegate.
isAbsentbooleanOptional, obsolete. The absence status to be defined (absent = true).
absenceTextstringOptional. The absence text to be defined (Limited to 32768 characters).
startDateTimestringOptional. The starting point to be defined for the absence in the format defined in ISO 8061. Only dates starting from 01.01.2000 are accepted.
endDateTimestringOptional. The end point to be defined for the absence in the format defined in ISO 8061. Only dates starting from 01.01.2000 are accepted.

The userId can be used to change the absence status of another user. This is only possible for the following persons (groups) for specific users:

  • an administrator for each user
  • the supervisor for his direct subordinates
  • the supervisor's direct substitute for his direct subordinates, if the supervisor himself is absent

For optional parameters, note the following:

  • If these parameters are transferred with the value null or not transferred at all, they are not changed.
  • If you want to clear a value, you must transfer an empty string. Transferring empty values allows you to adapt individual parameters without having to call the current user parameters beforehand.
  • If you want to change the absence status for a different user, the parameter userId is not optional.

info: The parameter isAbsent will no longer be available in future versions. Please use the parameters startDateTime and endDateTime instead.


The following HTTP status codes can be returned as the response:

Status codeNameMeaning
200OKThe request was processed successfully.
400Bad RequestThe request could not be processed. The specified date values may be out of the supported range. Additional information is logged.
401UnauthorizedA valid AuthSessionId was not transferred.
403ForbiddenThe request could not be processed because the user that is logged in is not permitted to make changes for other users.


Below you can find several sample calls for changing the status and information and their resulting responses. Pay special attention to the obsolete parameter isAbsent in these examples.

First example: The value "true" is transferred for the parameter "isAbsent"

    "userId": "11A5C79F-D9AB-498B-9158-D3034B7E45E5",
    "deputyId": "3D789836-69DC-4C3C-8A0A-3D9D2B07B087",
    "isAbsent": true,
    "absenceText": "I'm not available.",
    "startDateTime": "<current time + 1 day>",
    "endDateTime": "<current time + 3 days>"

If you then call the information, you receive the following response. Since the parameter isAbsent was transferred, the parameters startDateTime and endDateTime are ignored.

    "userId": "11A5C79F-D9AB-498B-9158-D3034B7E45E5",
    "deputyId": "3D789836-69DC-4C3C-8A0A-3D9D2B07B087",
    "nextPresentDeputyId" : "3D789836-69DC-4C3C-8A0A-3D9D2B07B087",
    "isAbsent": true,
    "absenceText": "I'm not available.",
    "startDateTime": "<time of the 'out of office' message>",
    "endDateTime": null

Second example: The value "false" is transferred for the parameter "isAbsent"

    "userId": "11A5C79F-D9AB-498B-9158-D3034B7E45E5",
    "deputyId": "3D789836-69DC-4C3C-8A0A-3D9D2B07B087",
    "isAbsent": false,
    "absenceText": "I'm not available.",
    "startDateTime": "<current time + 1 day>",
    "endDateTime": "<current time + 3 days>"

If you then call the information, you receive the following response. Since the parameter isAbsent was transferred, the parameters startDateTime and endDateTime are ignored.

    "userId": "11A5C79F-D9AB-498B-9158-D3034B7E45E5",
    "deputyId": "3D789836-69DC-4C3C-8A0A-3D9D2B07B087",
    "nextPresentDeputyId" : "3D789836-69DC-4C3C-8A0A-3D9D2B07B087",
    "isAbsent": false,
    "absenceText": "I'm not available.",
    "startDateTime": null,
    "endDateTime": null

Third example: No value is transferred for the parameter "isAbsent" and the current time is within the absence time period

    "userId": "11A5C79F-D9AB-498B-9158-D3034B7E45E5",
    "deputyId": "3D789836-69DC-4C3C-8A0A-3D9D2B07B087",
    "isAbsent": null,
    "absenceText": "I'm not available.",
    "startDateTime": "<current time - 1 day>",
    "endDateTime": "<current time + 3 days>"

If you then call the information, you receive the following response:

    "userId": "11A5C79F-D9AB-498B-9158-D3034B7E45E5",
    "deputyId": "3D789836-69DC-4C3C-8A0A-3D9D2B07B087",
    "nextPresentDeputyId" : "3D789836-69DC-4C3C-8A0A-3D9D2B07B087",
    "isAbsent": true,
    "absenceText": "I'm not available.",
    "startDateTime": "<current time - 1 day>",
    "endDateTime": "<current time + 3 days>"

Fourth example: No value is transferred for the parameter "isAbsent" and the current time is not within the absence time period.

    "userId": "11A5C79F-D9AB-498B-9158-D3034B7E45E5",
    "deputyId": "3D789836-69DC-4C3C-8A0A-3D9D2B07B087",
    "isAbsent": null,
    "absenceText": "I'm not available.",
    "startDateTime": "<current time + 1 day>",
    "endDateTime": "<current time + 3 days>"

If you then call the information, you receive the following response:

    "userId": "11A5C79F-D9AB-498B-9158-D3034B7E45E5",
    "deputyId": "3D789836-69DC-4C3C-8A0A-3D9D2B07B087",
    "nextPresentDeputyId" : "3D789836-69DC-4C3C-8A0A-3D9D2B07B087",
    "isAbsent": false,
    "absenceText": "I'm not available.",
    "startDateTime": "<current time + 1 day>",
    "endDateTime": "<current time + 3 days>"

Fifth example: No value is transferred for the parameter "isAbsent" and only an absence end point is transmitted.

    "userId": "11A5C79F-D9AB-498B-9158-D3034B7E45E5",
    "deputyId": "3D789836-69DC-4C3C-8A0A-3D9D2B07B087",
    "isAbsent": null,
    "absenceText": "I'm not available.",
    "startDateTime": null,
    "endDateTime": "<current time + 3 days>"

If you then call the information, you receive the following response:

    "userId": "11A5C79F-D9AB-498B-9158-D3034B7E45E5",
    "deputyId": "3D789836-69DC-4C3C-8A0A-3D9D2B07B087",
    "nextPresentDeputyId" : "3D789836-69DC-4C3C-8A0A-3D9D2B07B087",
    "isAbsent": true,
    "absenceText": "I'm not available.",
    "startDateTime": "<time of the 'out of office' message>,
    "endDateTime": "<current time + 3 days>"

Calling a list of users with the same delegate user

To receive a list of all absent users for whom the given user is currently entered as the delegate, your app must send a GET request to the User Profile app.


GET /userprofile/api/usedasdeputyof[?userId=11A5C79F-D9AB-498B-9158-D3034B7E45E5]
Accept: application/json
userIdOptional. ID of the user that other users have defined as their delegate. If you do not use the query parameter, the information for the user that is currently logged in is used.


The response contains a JSON object with the following layout:

    "userIdList" : ["21A5C79F-D9AB-498B-9158-D3034B7E45E5","31A5C79F-D9AB-498B-9158-D3034B7E45E5"]

Note about the parameter

userIdListstringThe list of IDs of the determined users.

The following HTTP status codes can be returned:

Status codeNameMeaning
200OKThe request was processed successfully.
400Bad RequestThe request could not be processed. The value of the userId parameter may be invalid.
401UnauthorizedA valid AuthSessionId was not transferred.
404Not FoundThe request could not find any absent users for whom the specified user is used as a delegate.

Calling users that are currently absent

To receive a list of all the users that are currently reported as absent, your app must send a GET request to the User Profile app.


GET /userprofile/api/absentusers
Accept: application/json


The response contains a JSON object with the following layout:

    "userIdList" : ["21A5C79F-D9AB-498B-9158-D3034B7E45E5","31A5C79F-D9AB-498B-9158-D3034B7E45E5"]

Note about the parameter

userIdListstringThe list of IDs of the determined users.

The following HTTP status codes can be returned:

Status codeNameMeaning
200OKThe request was processed successfully.
401UnauthorizedA valid AuthSessionId was not transferred.
404Not FoundThe request could not find any absent users.

Automatic notification when users' absence changes

You can register your app at the User Profile app so that when users' absences change, your app is immediately notified of the change and can respond accordingly.

Your app must use an app session for authentication when managing its registry (see Inter-app communication with app sessions in the documentation of the Identityprovider-App).


To register your app for notifications, it must send a PUT request to the User Profile app. Please note that a PUT request overwrites an already set path of your app.


PUT /userprofile/api/subscriptions/{appName}
Content-Type: application/json

    "path": "/MyGreatApp/myCallbackPath"

Notes about the parameters

appNamestringYour app's name.
pathstringThe path of your app, which should be called on notifications. The path must start with your app name.


The following HTTP status codes can be returned:

Status codeNameMeaning
201CreatedThe request was processed successfully and the registration saved
400Bad RequestThe specified path is invalid. Please note that the path must start with a slash and your app name.
403ForbiddenNo app session was used to authenticate with the User Profile app. Another reason could be that the specified AppName does not correspond to the name of your app.

Get registration

To check if your app is already registered, you can send a GET request to the User Profile app.


GET /userprofile/api/subscriptions/{appName}
Accept: application/json

Note about the parameter

appNamestringYour app's name.


The response contains a JSON object with the following layout:

    "path": "/MyGreatApp/myCallbackPath"

Note about the parameter

pathstringThe notification path of your app including app name.

The following HTTP status codes can be returned:

Status codeNameMeaning
200OKThe request was processed successfully.
403ForbiddenNo app session was used to authenticate with the User Profile app. Another reason could be that you wanted to query the registration of another app.
404Not FoundThere is no registration for your app.


To deregister your app, your app must send a DELETE request to the User Profile app.


DELETE /userprofile/api/subscriptions/{appName}

Note about the parameter

appNamestringYour app's name.


The following HTTP status codes can be returned:

Status codeNameMeaning
200OKThe request was processed successfully.
403ForbiddenNo app session was used to authenticate with the User Profile app. Another reason could be that you wanted to deregister another app.
404Not FoundThere is no registration for your app.

warning: Only one notification path is stored for your app. If you send multiple PUT requests in a row, the path will be updated each time. Thus, if you send a single DELETE request, your app will be deregistered immediately.

Receive notifications

If your app is registered at the User Profile app, it will be automatically notified of user absence changes. This is done by sending a POST request to the path of your app, which you specified when you registered your app.

Let's say you registered your app "MyGreatApp" with at User Profile app as in the example above. Now when a user's absence is changed, the following POST request is sent to your app:

POST /MyGreatApp/myCallbackPath
Content-Type: application/json

    "UserIdList": ["171a71fd-541d-4383-baf5-781e23c5ea66"]

Note about the parameter

UserIdListstringThe list of IDs of the users whose absence was changed.

Once you receive this request, please reply with a 2xx status code (for example, 200 or 202) so that the User Profile app knows that you received the notification. If you don't reply with a 2xx status code, for example because your app is currently unavailable, the User Profile app will store the UserIds for up to 24 hours. Every time absences are changed, the User Profile app will try to notify your app again. If the user absence data is no longer changed, the notification will be sent to your app again after one hour at the latest. Another attempt will be made after 24 hours. If your app still does not respond correctly after 24 hours, the User Profile app deletes the cached UserIds for your app and deregisters it.

warning: The User Profile app sends the POST request described above when a user's absence data changes. So, for example, as soon as the user selects a different deputy, or changes their absence text, and then saves, your app will be notified. The User Profile app does not send another notification when a scheduled absence occurs in the future. Thus, if a user sets the start time of their absence to a time in the future, and then saves that change, a notification is immediately sent to your app. When the start time is reached, no new notification is sent.