Database management systems
The following database management systems are supported by d.velop software.
Database management system | Extended end date |
Microsoft SQL Server 2016 | 14.07.2026 |
Microsoft SQL Server 2017 | 12.10.2027 |
Microsoft SQL Server 2019 | 08.01.2030 |
Microsoft SQL Server 2022 | 11.01.2033 |
Oracle Database 19c | 31.12.2032 |
Oracle Database 21c This is an “Innovation Release”; therefore, support will end early, in April 2027. | 31.07.2027 |
Oracle Database 23ai | TBD |
Microsoft Azure SQL is not supported.
Use the collation Latin1_General_CI_AS if you are using Microsoft SQL Server.
Individual applications also support IBM Db2 on Linux, Unix and Windows. Due to the , no further details will be given here.
Oracle Database is supported exclusively for existing installations.
For applications that require one of the systems listed above, install a database client that works with the database management system. Information about the type of client required can be found in the relevant application documentation. Information about compatibility between the DBMS client and the DBMS server can be found in the manufacturer’s documentation, for example: