How do I upload my signature image and customize my signature?

Sign with a signature image in any position. You can select a generated signature image, upload an image of your signature or sign with the computer mouse during the signing process.

  1. Open the overview page of your d.velop cloud tenant: https://<yourcloudtenant>

  2. Select the Configuration tile.

  3. Select the Signature settings tile in the following menu and click on Open configuration.

  4. The configuration of d.velop sign now opens in a separate window. Click on Customize signature image.

  5. Select a generated signature image, upload an image of your signature (JPG, JPEG, PNG) or select Apply freehand drawing to sign with the computer mouse during the signing process.

  6. Confirm your change by clicking on Apply settings.

  7. Enable or disable the additional information of your signature image.

Alternatively, you can also make these settings directly in the d.velop sign tile.

To do this, select the d.velop sign tile on the overview page of your cloud client and then simply follow our click instructions here on the general support page.