Digital signature & eIDAS
Here you will find questions on electronic signatures and the eIDAS Regulation.
Can I also sign internationally with d.velop sign?
d.velop sign complies with the detailed guidelines of the eIDAS regulation. The eIDAS Regulation was designed on the basis of existing global standards for digital signatures. The recognition of the signature is based on national law. d.velop sign is already being used by our customers in over 70 countries. If your company is a European organization, we believe that the place of jurisdiction is Europe. The legal requirements are fulfilled with d.velop sign within the framework of the applicable eIDAS regulation. When using d.velop sign outside the EU, it is generally recommended to include a clause in the contract in which the parties mutually agree to recognize the signatures with eIDAS certificates. Read more here.
Members of nearly all larger (industrialized) nations can register with d.velop sign. The following information is required for global use:
Valid identification document:
Identity card or passport
Here you will find the current list of nations and identity documents that you can use for identification.
Do you have questions about certain countries? Feel free to send your question to
With d.velop sign we offer the possibility of digital signatures, but we are not allowed to give legal advice, so unfortunately we have to keep a low profile here and can only give general feedback.
Can I use d.velop sign for legally binding digital signatures?
d.velop sign cooperates with the trust service provider of Bundesdruckerei. The eIDAS requirements are provided and ensured by Bundesdruckerei as a trust service provider. This has been confirmed by TÜV Informationstechnik GmbH in an extensive test procedure and by the Federal Network Agency through the inclusion of Bundesdruckerei in the national eIDAS trust list. d.velop sign enables the convenient use of these services. This makes d.velop sign an eIDAS-compliant, German remote signature solution. Whether contract management, the granting of loans, participation in public tenders or the signing of important hospital forms: With the remote signature solution from d.velop sign, you can now handle your paper-based signature processes electronically from start to finish - simply, conveniently, legally compliant and EU-wide. The use of d.velop sign enables the use of all signature levels from the simple to the advanced to the qualified electronic remote signature. The latter fulfills the requirement of written form and is equivalent to a handwritten signature in terms of its legal effect.
For more information, please watch the following video:
Is a digital signature legally valid?
Why is the applied signature not displayed in good quality?
One cause may be the incoming picture quality. This may be because you are using a screenshot or similar of a scanned signature. It is recommended to use a PNG format.
Another factor for the poor quality can be the applied signature field . The field for the signatures should be drawn generously to prevent it from being compressed.
Why is my second name written in capital letters in the timestamp under the signature?
When registering, the "First name" field means the full first name, just like on the identification document for identification purposes. If only one name is entered here, the second will be completed by the system. The D-Trust system can only refer to the document used. The name is always capitalized there.
If this is a relevant problem, the personal certificate must be renewed after the personal data has been changed in sign-me. You must then re-identify yourself. Attention: This may be subject to a charge.
What is a certification signature?
Before a document is digitally signed, it can be certified once. This certification is used to seal a document so that it can be verified whether the document has been changed, for example, before it is signed. In the case of certified documents, it can also happen that they are completely blocked and therefore no changes, and therefore no digital signatures, can be made.
What do I have to consider with an XML signature?
In Poland, for example, annual financial statements must be prepared digitally and submitted to the registration court in this form. The annual financial statements must be submitted as an XML file and must be digitally signed in this format; all other forms are not permitted. The signature format is XAdES, which is why the XML file must be renamed to an xades file before uploading.
Further information can be found here.
Please also note: The document must be signed and submitted on the same day in order to be accepted by the system. We also recommend contacting a Polish accountant to assist with the submission of the document.
If you would like more detailed information on what to consider when submitting XML signatures in Poland, we recommend the following presentation by our customer from the logistics sector. Click here for the lecture.
Which signature type do I use and when?
The type of signature that suits your needs depends on the requirements that an agreement or document needs to fulfill in a specific case and may also vary from case to case within a company. It should always be noted that the signature types have different evidential values.
For more information, please watch the following video:
How do signature levels differ?
What is the format of the electronic signature?
PAdES and XAdES signatures are created in accordance with the ETSI standards. The standards define the respective technical specification of the signature:
PAdES signature: PDF, PDF/A 1-3, internally signed, i.e. a PAdES signature is always linked to a PDF/A document and the signature is directly in the document.
XAdES signature: XML, internally signed i.e. an XAdES signature is always linked to an XML document and the signature is directly in the document.