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d.3one in the browser: No restriction of categories possible


The search results returned by d.3 search were restricted by a setting in d.3 server.

If a user performs a full-text search in d.3one using a term that frequently occurs in the documents, then the results to be displayed are limited by d.3 search. This means that d.3 search finds more relevant documents as allowed by the limit; this is returned to d.3 server and, then, returned by d.3 server to the d.3one integration.

In d.3one integrated in the browser, the message "More than xx results found" means that the number of results and facets might be incomplete and, therefore, the category selection cannot be restricted. If the result list is restricted by facets later on, the phrase "About", however, does not disappear from the message, because the basis search results still base on the full-text search and thus the results are incomplete. It may happen that the message is "More than 1 result found".


The limitation for the full-text search results to be displayed should be increased. You can edit the value for the d.3 parameter FULLTEXT_FETCH_LIMIT as follows:

Go to the d.3 server with d.3 admin:

  1. Open d.3 admin.

  2. Open the node d.3 Components > d.3 Config.

  3. Open the d.3 configuration dialog and go to the node Full-text Search (

  4. Click on Maximum number of full-text matches (parameter name: FULLTEXT_FETCH_LIMIT).

  5. Enter a value that is greater than the current value. Make sure to enter a limit that includes the size of the complete result sets for the frequently used full-text search terms.