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Initial configuration per start parameter

The application offers the possibility to execute various commands by calling them with parameters. For example, the list of all available commands can be displayed using Parameters --help or /?

Example call in the Windows command prompt:

C:\d3\d.ecs monitor d.3 gateway\bin> "d.ecs monitor d.3 gateway.exe" --help

The most common benefit for using the command line parameters occurs if the application cannot be started successfully after installation because the connection to d.ecs http gateway could not be established. A message similar to the following one is visible in the log:


"Unable to load d.ecs http gateway settings from http://localhost:6380/store/httpgateway/config"

In this case, two calls are necessary:

  • "d.ecs monitor d.3 gateway.exe" --setGatewayPassword <Passwort>

  • "d.ecs monitor d.3 gateway.exe" --configure System.BaseUri=<SystemBaseUri>

With the first call the password for the connection to d.ecs http gateway is set. This password was set up during the installation of d.ecs http gateway. The second call configures the base URI. The base URI is the system-wide resolvable address of d.ecs http gateway and specifies the address at which the application registers.