What to consider when configuring SharePoint search?
Some functions of d.velop products with Microsoft 365 integration are based on queries via SharePoint search.
The following articles give a very good overview of how SharePoint search works and important configuration options in the search schema.
Especially the creation and usage of managed properties should be known in order to build structures based on content types or to configure the d.velop documents for Microsoft 365 search.
Useful links for SharePoint search configuration
Manage the search schema in SharePoint
For more general information about configuring result sources, see the Microsoft technical documentation under the search term "Manage search schema 365".
How do site columns become managed properties?
For more general information on this topic, see the Microsoft technical documentation under the search term "How do site columns become managed properties - thus available for search)".
Syntax reference for the Keyword Query Language (KQL)
For more general information on this topic, see the Microsoft technical documentation under the search term "Syntax reference for the Keyword Query Language (KQL".