How is a CMID used?
The CMID (case management ID) property can be specified in composer for each structure node. Once the CMID property is configured, the interface configuration in center for this structure node can be customized and saved. If this center interface configuration is also to be used for other structure nodes, the CMID property must also be configured with the same value at this node.
Using the CMID, you can assign an Interface configuration to the respective structure node in composer. This means that you can use the CMID, for example, to assign different Interface configurations to identically named structures in composer. If structure nodes are configured in multiple languages, a CMID must be specified. Otherwise, the structure node must be configured independently for each language used. If the CMID is not set, the Display name node property of the structure node is used instead.
The CMIDs always refer to the entire client and are cross-structural.
We always recommend defining an CMID. Plan the structure in advance.