Open Documentation Menu

Integrating contracts

If you are using contract management in addition to document management, you can of course also integrate contracts into your structure.


  1. For an existing installation, check if the ecsCPIds field is included in the contract list/ContentType.

    If provisioning was performed after 03/01/2022, the ecsCPIds field should be present.

  2. Check if the ecsContractIdOWSTEXT field exists as a managed property.

This is how it works

  1. Drag the contract partner list into the structure as a parent list.

  2. Drag the respective contract content types into the structure as a child item.

    If you have not made any further adjustments, this means that ecsContractContentType is present.

  3. Define a value in the child items in Display name node.

    This is necessary because the items are content types.

  4. Use ecsCPId (selection) as parent field and ecsCPIdsOWSCHCM (free text) as child field for linking.

  5. Create a view under Definition of view in tabs.

    Make sure that at least the field with the contract ID is mapped with the managed property ecsContractIdOWSTEXT.

    Make sure that at least the title/title field is displayed, as it will be used in the context menu.

Now you can open the contract partner files from the contract partner list.

If not already done, place the center button in the contract management site.

The contracts are now displayed in center. The context menu entry Show in contracts is automatically added for the content types of the contract management.