Creating subfolders when adding an item to a structure node
You can have subfolders created automatically as soon as a new document is saved in center in a suitable structure element.
In this example, the website collection-independent storage example is extended to include the automatic creation of a subfolder. The "Delivery notes" item from the "sales" site collection is added to the "Planes" structure node.
This is how it works
Open d.velop composer.
Open the structure to be edited for editing. The page Configure structure opens.
Under Element relationships, select the desired structure node.
Here: "Planes" in the site collection/web page "d.velop AIR".
Select the item from another site collection and corresponding web page.
Here: "Delivery notes" from the site collection/web page "sales".
Drag and drop the item onto the desired structure node.
Here: "Delivery notes" from Available elements > Libraries to " Planes" under Element relationships > Design.
Define the Relation fields.
Here: Field (Parent): "PlaneID"; Field (Child): "PlaneID".
Select the function Create subfolder on upload.
Select the target folder for the documents.
Important: To create the folders please use the Field (parent) (see point 6).
Here: "$item.ecsPlaneID". This causes the planeID to be selected as the name for the subfolder.
Assign a Display name.
Save the structure.
Please note that only text boxes are supported.
Please note that nested folders cannot be created. The folder where the new subfolder will be created must already exist.