Using extension points

Extension points allow you to enhance the DMSApp with your own functions. The DMSApp provides extension points at the following positions:

There are two ways you can extend the extension points in the DMSApp:

  • Providing via URL

  • Creating via the API in the DMSApp

Preparing your app

To ensure that you can find extensions for context actions or for displaying documents from the DMSApp, your app must provide this user interface. To find apps that provide extensions, DMSApp uses the concept of an HTTP GET request for the root resource (systemBaseUri path with the app name) for the apps. All apps registered to the d.ecs http gateway will be requested. Make sure that the administrator did not actively exclude your app.

Providing the URL for the extension points

The root resources for these apps are requested cyclically. The response of an app is then checked to determine whether a link relation with the name dmsobjectextensions is included. This link relation serves as the signal that the app provides extensions for DMSApp. DMSApp executes an HTTP GET to the specified link and waits for a standardized JSON object with the HTTP status code 200 from the responding app.


GET https://host/myapp/ HTTP/1.1
Accept: application/hal+json


HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Type: application/hal+json

    "_links" : {
        "dmsobjectextensions" : {
            "href" : "/myapp/dmsobjectextensions"


The root resources are queried anonymously (without authentication) and this process is executed as an asynchronous background process within DMSApp.

Creating via the API in the DMSApp

You can create an extension for the DMSApp using an HTTP POST request for the URL /dms/extensions. If you want to create multiple extensions, repeat the process. The request must be made by a user with administration rights only. If the request response is successful, the extension is stored in the DMSApp and you get a Location URL in the header of the response. The structure of the standardized JSON object is described in the following pages.


POST /dms/extensions
Origin: https://baseuri
Content-Type: application/json
Content-Length: 619

    "id": "myapp.openExternalApp",
    "activationConditions": [{
            "propertyId": "",
            "operator": "or",
            "values": ["e632f767-5cfa-538d-ab55-6756c36a74c9"]
    "captions": [{
            "culture": "de",
            "caption": "Externe Applikation öffnen"
        }, {
            "culture": "en",
            "caption": "Open external application"
    "context": "DmsObjectDetailsContextAction",
    "uriTemplate": "/myapp/dosomething?id={dmsobject.property_document_id}",
    "iconUri": "/myapp/images/goto.svg"


HTTP/1.1 201 Created
Location: /dms/extensions/dmsapp-custom-myapp.openExternalApp

Via the location URL, a user with administration rights can also delete the extension in the DMSApp. To do this, an HTTP DELETE requestmust be sent to the Location URLvalue.


DELETE /dms/extensions/dmsapp-custom-myapp.openExternalApp
Origin: https://baseuri


HTTP/1.1 200 OK

Displaying extension points

Released: HTML page

You can display the extension points registered with DMSApp. Simply enter the URL /dms/extensions in the browser.


GET /dms/extensions
Accept: text/html