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This documentation is designed for administrators of a d.3ecm system and for developers creating apps and extensions.

You should be familiar with the following subjects to use the API:

  • You should have a good knowledge of the d.3ecm architecture.

  • You should be familiar with the authentication using the d.ecs identity provider API in the d.3ecm context.

  • You should have knowledge in the development of web-based apps and be confident in dealing with the following detailed topics:

    • Hypertext Transfer Protocol (HTTP) (RFC 7230)

    • RESTful HTTP interfaces

    • JavaScript Object Notation JSON) (RFC 7159)

    • Hypertext Application Language in connection with the JavaScript Object Notation (HAL+JSON)

    • UriTemplate (RFC 6570)

  • If you want to provide your own user interface, you should be familiar with HTML, CSS and responsive web design. To facilitate a consistent look & feel, it is recommended to know how to use the framework Material Design. For more recommendations about how to design see the Developer Portal.

  • Additionally, knowledge in administering a web server is a benefit.