About the DMSApp API
In this documentation, you can learn how to use the programming interface of DMSApp for your own developments.
This documentation is designed for developers of applications that are to be run in the d.ecs architecture system environment. DMSApp is a core component in the d.ecs architecture system environment and provides functions related to documents and dossiers within the framework of a d.3ecm system.
JSON objects, URLs, and query parameters can be enhanced at any time while the API is still valid. Only the extension points, properties, objects and parameters for API programming described in this documentation are released. Each chapter indicates whether the URL for retrieving the HTML page, the JSON representation or the extension point is released. The HTML page is used exclusively for UI integration, must not be evaluated with programs and may be changed at any time without prior notification. Any properties that are not described in this documentation are not permitted for use.
This documentation is available to development partners of d.velop AG online on the Service Portal. Passing this documentation or parts of it on to third parties is not permitted. For requests as part of the development partnership, only the online documentation applies.
Please note that your software accesses data stored and configured in d.3ecm by your customers via this interface and also affects the procedures in the d.3ecm system. Please handle it with care and make sure that your application is part of an existing collaboration of several applications. The improper use of this interface may lead to changed application procedures and the loss of data.