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d.velop contracts for Microsoft 365
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Basic information about the application and the manual
About d.velop contracts for Microsoft 365
What is a contract?
Start page of d.velop contracts for Microsoft 365
Navigating to the start page
User menu
Contracts that require my attention
Displaying contracts by status
Finding a contract
Finding contracts, documents or tasks using the advanced search
Finding a contract via quick search
Using search templates
Managing contracts
Creating a new contract
Editing a contract
Deleting a contract
Managing documents
Adding documents to a contract
Viewing a document
Displaying document details
Deleting a document
Changing the document type
Sharing a document
Signing contract documents
Managing tasks
Creating a task
Viewing a task
Editing a task
Deleting a task
Setting up task notifications
Configuration of serial tasks
Managing contractual partners and contacts
Tips and tricks
How do I manage list items?
How do I retrieve search results from SharePoint using the Search Query tool?
How do I use special contract fields in the advanced search?
How can I access the online help?
How do I change the display language of the online help?
Frequently asked questions (FAQ)
Why do the search results show no more than 500 contracts?
Why is the desired contract not returned by the search?
What notifications can be sent by the system?
Additional information sources and imprint
d.velop contracts for Microsoft 365
Search documentation
Ctrl K
Basic information about the application and the manual
About d.velop contracts for Microsoft 365
What is a contract?
Start page of d.velop contracts for Microsoft 365
Navigating to the start page
User menu
Contracts that require my attention
Displaying contracts by status
Finding a contract
Finding contracts, documents or tasks using the advanced search
Finding a contract via quick search
Using search templates
Managing contracts
Creating a new contract
Editing a contract
Deleting a contract
Managing documents
Adding documents to a contract
Viewing a document
Displaying document details
Deleting a document
Changing the document type
Sharing a document
Signing contract documents
Managing tasks
Creating a task
Viewing a task
Editing a task
Deleting a task
Setting up task notifications
Configuration of serial tasks
Managing contractual partners and contacts
Tips and tricks
How do I manage list items?
How do I retrieve search results from SharePoint using the Search Query tool?
How do I use special contract fields in the advanced search?
How can I access the online help?
How do I change the display language of the online help?
Frequently asked questions (FAQ)
Why do the search results show no more than 500 contracts?
Why is the desired contract not returned by the search?
What notifications can be sent by the system?
Additional information sources and imprint
Open Documentation Menu
Frequently asked questions (FAQ)
Here you can learn more about the most frequently asked questions.
How do I change the display language of the online help?
Why do the search results show no more than 500 contracts?
Table of contents
Table of contents