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Defining contractual partners management options

In the Contractual partner area, you can configure the contractual partner management. You can choose between the configuration interface or the extended configuration based on a JSON file.

Configuration options for contractual partner management in the configuration interface 

You can make the configurations in the areas Contractual partners and Contact persons.

Contractual partners 

  • Enable creation and editing: Enable the option for users to create new contractual partners and edit existing contractual partners.

  • Allow multiple selections: Enable the option for users to assign multiple contractual partners to a contract file.


    If you use contractual partners in your permission rule set and you allow multiple selection, you must adjust the permission rule set for multiple selection. Otherwise the permission rules will no longer work.

  • Search description field during selection: Enable the option for users to search the description field in addition to the title when searching for a contractual partner. If you enable this option, you must index the Description field (ecsCPDescription).


    Enable this option only if there are less than 1,000 contractual partners in the contractual partner list.

  • Activate external link: If you enable this option, a link to external websites will be displayed next to the contractual partner in the contract view. You can define the URL in the Link URL text box.

  • Number of contractual partner proposals to be displayed: Define the maximum number of results displayed in the contractual partner selection feature when creating the contract. The default value is 10. Values below 10 are ignored. The value should not be higher than 50.

  • Enable open in 9-dot menu: Enable the option for users to switch from the 9-point menu to contractual partner management in the SharePoint list.

Contact persons 

  • Enable: Allow users to configure contact persons.

  • Display as: Configure how the contact person selection feature is displayed. You have the following options:

    • Selection: Users can select the contact person from the ecsContactPersons list.

    • Text field: Users can enter the contact person in a simple text box.

  • Enable creation and editing: Enable the option for users to create new contacts and edit existing contacts.

  • Enable open in 9-dot menu: Enable the option for users to switch from the 9-point menu to contact person management in the SharePoint list.

Extended configuration of contractual partner management in the JSON file

  1. In the configuration interface, click Extended configuration. A JSON file opens.

  2. Use the creationAllowed property to control whether users can create new contractual partners. If you enter the value true, users can create contractual partners. If you enter false, users cannot create contractual partners.

  3. Use the contactPersonEnabled property to control whether users can configure contact persons for contract files. If you enter true, users can configure contact persons. If you enter false, users cannot configure contact persons.

  4. Control whether multiple selection of contract partners is allowed using the multiplePartnersAllowed property. If you enter true, multiple selection is enabled. If you enter false, multiple selection is disabled.

  5. Use the contactPersonManagementType property to control the options for selecting contact persons. If you enter lookup, users can select the contact persons from the ecsContactPersons list. If you enter textfield, users can enter the contact persons using a simple text box.

  6. Use the contactPersonManagementAllowed property to control whether users can create new contacts or edit existing contacts. If you want to configure this option, contactPersonManagementType must have the value lookup.

  7. Use the searchInDescriptionField property to control whether users can search the description field in addition to the title when searching for a contractual partner. If you enter true, users can also search the description field. If you enter false, users will not be able to search the description field.

  8. Use the numberOfContractualPartnerProposal property to define the maximum number of results displayed in the contractual partner selection list during contract creation. The default value is 10. Values below 10 are ignored. The value should not be higher than 50.

  9. Use the externalLink node to control whether a link to external websites is displayed next to the contractual partner in the contract view. You have the following options:

    • Enter the value true under enabled to display the area. Enter false to not display the area.

    • Define the URL under linkTemplate. You can use the contractual partner’s metadata with the placeholder ${$Item.internalFieldname}.

  10. Save the configuration.

Sample JSON file configuration for contractual partners

    "creationAllowed": true,
    "contactPersonManagementAllowed": true,
    "searchInDescriptionField": true,
    "numberOfContractualPartnerProposal": 10,    
    "externalLink": {
        "enabled": true,
        "linkTemplate": "${Item.ecsCPId}"