Configuring the search
In the Search area, define which internal field names from the contract lists or dependent libraries are linked to which managed property from SharePoint Search.
Configuring the search - This is how it works
Click New to create a new configuration row.
In the Internal field name field, enter the field name from the contract lists or dependent libraries.
In the Filterable column, select whether this row should be available as a search filter (refiner) in the advanced search.
In the Name of the managed property field, enter the name of the managed property from the SharePoint search.
Repeat the process until you have set up all the desired columns for the search.
Click Save to apply the changes.
Configuring the search with the extended configuration - This is how it works
Create a new assignment starting with "{" and ending with "},".
In the Search area, define which internal field names from the contract lists or dependent libraries are linked to which managed property from SharePoint Search.
Define "managedPropertyName": with the name of the managed property from the SharePoint Search.
Optional: Define "filterable": Use the values true or false to specify whether the field is available as a filter in the advanced search or not.
Save your changed configuration.
Columns that are hidden in the content type are also available in the search if these columns have been assigned.
This means that the assigned field is available as a search filter (refiner) in the search and in the result list.
Please also refer to the following chapters:
Configuring fields for advanced search
In order to be able to restrict the advanced search by fields or display the values in the result list, managed properties must exist for these fields in the SharePoint search schema.
In addition, the internal field names must be assigned to the managed properties in the instance configuration.
The customizations listed below require a basic understanding of SharePoint search and how to configure it via the search schema.
For information on managing the search schema in SharePoint, see Microsoft technical documentation. Please search for the keywords:"manage the search schema in sharepoint."
Notes on the standard configuration
A managed property is usually created automatically for the following standard fields by SharePoint:
Subject of contract
Internal field name: ecsSubjectOfContract
Name of the managed property: ecsSubjectOfContractOWSTEXT
Internal field name: ecsContractId
Name of the managed property: ecsContractIdOWSTEXT
For the following date fields that are provided by default, a mapping of the crawled property to an existing managed property predefined by Microsoft is required.
The managed property to be assigned is not fixed and can be customized. The following assignment corresponds to the standard configuration:
Contract start date
Internal field name: ecsContractStart
Name of the managed property: RefinableDate02
Contract end date (fix)
Internal field name: ecsContractEnd
Name of the managed property: RefinableDate03
Date of cancelation
The two fields Manual date of cancelation and Next date of cancelation are assigned here.
Internal field name:
Name of the managed property: RefinableDate04
Next contract end date
Internal field name: ecsNextEnd
Name of the managed property: RefinableDate06
Task due date.
Internal field name: ecsTaskDueDate
Name of the managed property: RefinableDate05
New managed properties must be created for the following columns provided by default. The name of the managed property is given here as an example and corresponds to our default configuration:
Contractual partner
Internal field name: ecsCPLookup
Name of the managed property: ecsCPLookup
Adding crawled properties to predefined managed properties
Date and number values (integer, decimal, double precision floating point, and binary) can be added only to predefined managed properties. The following is an example of the assignment created for the start of the contract.
This is how it works
Open the Site settings.
Open Search schema underneath Site collection management.
Select Managed properties.
Enter the value RefinableDate02 in the filter under Managed property and apply the filter by clicking the arrow.
Click the Property name in the result and select Edit/Map Property in the context menu.
Scroll down the page to Mappings to crawled properties and select Add a Mapping.
Use Search for a crawled property name to search for the name ecsContractStart.
Select ows_ecsContractStart and confirm with OK.
Confirm with OK.
After the search index is subsequently rebuilt, the columns are available in the advanced search.
Make sure that if you add multiple crawled properties to a managed property and it is a predefined"Refinable..." property, only one of the selected managed properties contains a value. Otherwise, the search would not lead to the desired results.
Adding crawled properties to new managed properties
New managed properties for numbers and date values cannot be created. Here, predefined managed properties must be used.
Creating a new managed property - This is how it works
Open the Site settings.
Open Search schema underneath Site collection management.
Select Managed properties.
Select New managed property.
Assign a name and, if necessary, a description.
Select the Type (usually Text).
Assign the following Main characteristics from:
Token normalization (already selected by default)
Scroll down the page to Mappings to crawled properties and select Add a Mapping.
Use Search for a crawled property name to search for the name the property to be mapped.
Select the property and confirm with OK.
Confirm with OK.
Notes on crawled properties
In order for a column to be displayed in after creation in the crawled properties, at least one item must be uploaded and the columns must be populated with values. After the search index is subsequently rebuilt, the mappings can take place.
See also the chapter Reindexing the SharePoint content.
Parameters to configure the search
The following parameters are available for configuring the search:
internalFieldName: The internal name of the column.
managedPropertyName: Name of the managed search property.
Example of configuring the search
Here you can see an example of how the mapping may look in the search configuration:
Search configuration example
[ { "internalFieldName": "ecsSubjectOfContract", "managedPropertyName": "ecsSubjectOfContractOWSTEXT" }, { "internalFieldName": "ecsContractId", "managedPropertyName": "ecsContractIdOWSTEXT" }, { "internalFieldName": "ecsContractStart", "managedPropertyName": "RefinableDate02" }, { "internalFieldName": "ecsContractEnd", "managedPropertyName": "RefinableDate03" } ]