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Creating document types

Documents can be classified by selecting a document type.

Creating a document type

Create the term:

  1. Open the Site settings.

  2. Open the Term Store Management under Site Administration.

  3. In the Term Store Management Tool open the TAXONOMY TERM STORE of the site collection.

  4. Select the term set ecsDocumentTypeTerm.

  5. Create a new term by clicking on the term set ecsDocumentTypeTerm and selecting Create term.

  6. Enter a new name for the term.

  7. Optional: Assign a default label for additional languages by selecting the appropriate language.

  8. Optional: In the Custom Properties tab, add the local property with the property name isDefault with the value of true to set the document type as default.

  9. Save the new term.

  10. Delete the site data from the memory of your web browser to directly display the changed configuration.

Linking content types to document types

If the document is to be assigned to a specific site content type by selecting the document type, this must first be created. The site content type is then linked to the previously created term.

Creating the site content type for the document type:

  1. Open the Site settings.

  2. Open Site content types under Web Designer Galleries.

  3. Select Create.

  4. Assign one of the following properties:

    1. Name: Any name.

    2. Description: Any description.

    3. Select parent content type from: ecsContract.

    4. Parent content type: ecsContractDocumentContentType.

    5. Save this site content type. Select an existing group or create a new group.

  5. You will be redirected to the administration page of the new site content type. Close the web page.

Define the site content type in the previously created term in the Term Store Management Tool.

Store content type in the Term Store Management Tool:

  1. Open the Site settings.

  2. Open the Term Store Management under Site Administration.

  3. In the Term Store Management Tool open the TAXONOMY TERM STORE of the site collection.

  4. Select the term set ecsDocumentTypeTerm.

  5. Select the term created in the step above.

  6. Create the local property with the property name ContentType with the value of the title from the previous step "Creating the site content type for the document type."

  7. Save the new term.

  8. Delete the site data from the memory of your web browser to directly display the changed configuration.

Add the site content type to the existing contract libraries:

  1. Open the settings of the document library Contracts0.

  2. Select Add from existing site content types below the Content types.

  3. Select the Site content types from the Available Site Content Types and add it.

  4. Confirm the selection with OK.

Repeat this procedure for all libraries whose name begins with Contracts.