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Configuring the contract status

The contract status is managed in the term store. The following terms are already included by default:

  • Canceled

  • Draft

  • Expired

  • Under negotiation

  • Valid

Each contract status represents a specific contract life cycle.

You can configure the phase of the contract status using the term. This will perform different actions depending on the contract life cycle (e.g. renewal and notification):

  • Pre-contractual phase (pre)

    • Draft

    • Under negotiation

  • Contract execution (active)

    • Valid

  • Contract termination (post)

    • Expired

    • Canceled


Existing statuses or the default statuses can be edited, but should not be deleted. After deletion, the statuses cannot be restored.

If the labels are to be changed or additional terms added, proceed as follows:

Changing the existing terms

You can customize the existing expressions.

This is how it works

  1. Open the Site settings.

  2. Open the Term Store Management under Site Administration.

  3. In the Term Store Management Tool open the TAXONOMY TERM STORE of the site collection.

  4. Select the term set ecsContractState.

  5. Customize the default label in the desired language by selecting the appropriate language.

  6. Optional: Under Custom properties , customize the contractLifecycle property. If no value is specified, then the default value pre is used.

    Valid values: pre, active, post.

  7. Optional: Under Custom properties, customize the IsDefault property. Selecting the value 1 makes this contract status the default status when creating a contract. If you don’t specify a value, the default value 0 is used.

    Valid values: 0, 1

  8. Delete the site data from the memory of your web browser to directly display the changed configuration.

  9. Note: The local properties id and internalName must not be changed.

Adding new terms

You can add new expressions.

This is how it works

  1. Open the Site settings.

  2. Open the Term Store Management under Site Administration.

  3. In the Term Store Management Tool open the TAXONOMY TERM STORE of the site collection.

  4. Select the term set ecsContractState.

  5. Create a new term by clicking on the term set ecsContractState and selecting Create term

  6. Enter a new name for the term.

  7. Assign an internal name for the new term under Custom properties. To do this, click Add below the local properties. Now you can specify internalName as the local property name and specify the name as the value.

  8. Optional: Assign a default label for additional languages by selecting the appropriate language.

  9. Optional: Assign a color for the new term under Custom properties. To do this, click Add below the local properties. Now you can specify color as the local property name and enter a hex code as the value. If you do not enter a value, the color of the default theme will be used for the user interface.

  10. Optional: Under Custom properties , customize the contractLifecycle property. If no value is specified, then the default value pre is used.

    Valid values: pre, active, post.

  11. Optional:Under Custom properties, customize the IsDefault property. Selecting the value 1 makes this contract status the default status when creating a contract. If you don’t specify a value, the default value 0 is used.

    Valid values: 0, 1

  12. Save the new term.

  13. Delete the site data from the memory of your web browser to directly display the changed configuration.


Currently it is necessary to switch to the classic view of the term store in SharePoint for the configuration of local properties.

Configuring the pie chart

The pie chart on the start page is used to show the status of the contract. You can sort the contracts by clicking Filter by contract type. All statuses for the selected contract type are then displayed in the pie chart.

You save the contract statuses in the SharePoint term storage. There you can also specify the colors for the individual statuses.

See also chapter Configuring the contract status.