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Displaying configuration options

With this function, you can provide an entry point to the Config app.

Determining the link relation for displaying the configuration options

The URL for a repository is available as a link relation in the response of the HTTP GET request.


GET /config/
Accept: application/hal+json


        _links: {
                configfeatures: {
                        href: "/config/features{?appname,category}",
                        templated: true

Specifying behavior-controlling parameters

You can use the following parameters to control the behavior for displaying the configuration options:




Restricts the configuration options to a specific app. The technical app name (e.g. identityprovider instead of d.ecs identity provider) must be used.


Restricts the configuration options to a specific category. To do this, enter the ID of the category (e.g. "0a3c33eb-2f70-45de-a4f1-093f509eea15" for the category "Tasks and processes”).

Calling the URL for the configuration options

When you have created a URL, you can call the results as follows:


GET /config/features?appname=identityprovider
Accept: text/html

As a result, all configuration options of the identity provider app are then displayed. You can view all configuration options of the "Tasks and processes" category as follows:


GET /config/features?category=0a3c33eb-2f70-45de-a4f1-093f509eea15
Accept: text/html