Content administration
Below Permission you find the following:
Organizational units
Detail tab configuration
You can digitize and standardize a wide variety of processes in the company.
You define a process as follows:
First, define the contract type.
Then, define the contract status.
Finally, define task templates for the recurring tasks.
Additional information on these steps can be found in the following chapters.
Contract types
To get to the contract management, navigate to Configuration > Content administration > Processes.
Below Contract management you find an overview of the already created contract types and you can edit these. You can also create a new contract type. Note that all contract types to which you are not authorized are initially hidden. You can display them by clicking on the icon with the eye.
One click on Contract management takes you to the configuration and the cross-contract status maintenance.
You can define the default configuration via Contract management > Configuration. Each contract type will use this configuration as default unless you customize it.
In the default configuration you can set how many working days before the end of the term a reminder or an escalation should be sent. In addition, the persons responsible for escalation can be configured.
If the value None is configured for Send escalation, no escalation notifications will be sent.
Escalation managers can only be configured if an escalation forerun has been entered.
Creating contract types
To create a new contract, do the following:
Click on the button + (New contract type).
Enter the name of the contract type.
Optionally, you can specify how many working days before the end of the term a reminder and an escalation is sent and you can determine the person responsible for the escalation. You can also grant yourself a direct right to the new contract type.
Click on Create.
Edit contract types
To edit an existing contract type, do the following:
Under Contract management select the contract type.
Make your changes.
Click on Save.
Select Delete to remove the contract type.
Contract types should always be generated from within dbs | case manager contract. Do not maintain the contract types manually in d.3 admin.
Contract type dependant configuration of the advanced properties
For each contract type, you have the option of setting which advanced properties are to be displayed in the Advanced master data area of the contract form. When you create a new contract type or edit an existing one, you will now see the list of all advanced master data that you can show or hide. By default, all properties are displayed.
The list contains all properties from the two document types that you use for individual and blanket agreements. Note that a property may not be displayed here. This is the case if this property has been added to the document types and hidden in d.3 (setting Visible in - Storage dialog) or if a property has been added to both document types and also hidden for both document types.
If you now want to create a contract with a specific contract type, all advanced master data will be displayed, unless the following is the case:
The advanced property was hidden in d.3 (setting Visible in - Storage dialog).
The advanced property is visible in d.3 but has been hidden in the selected contract type.
You can also configure in which order the properties should be displayed. To do this, click a little longer on a property until the line is detached and then move it up or down. It is only set that all multi-value properties are displayed after the other properties.
Maintain contract status
The status selectable for a case are defined under Contract management > Status.
Add a new status
To add a new status, enter a status description and click Enter.
Rename a status
You can rename a status by clicking on the pencil icon and changing the status name.
Delete a status
To delete a status, click on the button with the trash can.
Change the status order
You can move a status by clicking a little longer on the icon in front of the status name and moving the line up or down. Wait a moment until saving is automatically executed.
Task templates
The number of task templates for the status is displayed next to the status name. If you click on the number or the status name, you can view details about the tasks and create a new task via the button +.
Task templates
You can create and edit task templates and link these with your defined Conditions and actions.
Create task templates
You can specify task templates for the various status of the contract types. However, in contrast to the creation of a task in a concrete contract, every created task at this point is always a template.
This is how it works
Navigate to Configuration > Processes > Contract management > Status and select a status. Then you see the Task templates.
Use the button + (new task) to create a new task.
At least enter a subject. If you do not select a person responsible, the person responsible for the task is automatically entered in the contract when this task template is created. If you create a successor task template, the person responsible for the predecessor task template is automatically entered.
Click Create to add the template to the status.
Optionally, you can activate the Advanced view slider, giving you the option of making further settings. This includes how often the execution should take place (see also differentiation by execution type), which term you want to choose and whether there are any conditions and actions for this task template.
You can specify a term for the task templates. For this, you have two options:
Term from creation date: The date is created depending on the date of creation of a concrete task from this template.
Dynamic term: The date is created dynamically at a given time.
The editor receives a message on the day of the reminder and the person responsible for escalation receives a message via d.ecs notification on the day of escalation if the task is not yet completed.
With the property Mandatory it is defined, if a task in the status must be completed in any case.
Edit task templates
You can edit an existing task template:
Click on the pen icon next to the template.
Now change the details of the task template.
Apply your changes with a click on Save.
You can discard your changes via Cancel.
If yiou want to remove the template from the status, use Delete.
Conditions and actions
You have the option to define conditions and actions for a task template:
No translatable dataset hooks are supported. I.e. if you want to maintain a condition or action for an advanced property, then the hook must not return translated values. If an advanced property has a dataset assigned, this dataset may be translated.
Conditions must be met to create a task automatically or to create tasks manually by a user. In the last case the tasks only appear under the available tasks in the case as soon as the condition is fulfilled. All conditions are handled in the standard and-linked manner. Once you have added more than one condition, you can also link the conditions using logical operation, e.g. or-link. For this purpose, all conditions are assigned a unique ID. Use all IDs at least once in the logical expression. Use only spaces, "AND" and "OR" next to the IDs. "AND" binds more strongly here than "OR".
Whether a task is created automatically or made available for manual scheduling depends on the startup type selected:
The following options are available as condition:
Advanced property has the following value
A d.3 property will be checked for a certain value. Note that usually a task with a property condition is not automatically scheduled when a new case is created. To achieve this, you must add the condition A case was created described below.
Depending on the type of the d.3 property the following comparisons are provided:
Not equal
Earlier than
Later than
The comparison value can be entered freely.
A case has been created
You can define the creation of a case as a condition here. So it is possible to create automatically certain initial tasks for the creation of a case immediately or to provide for the manual selection.
A predecessor (task) has been finished
This task will be created only after the predecessor task has been completed. Unless the predecessor task is optional. Then this condition is automatically true.
Linking of conditions
If two or more conditions are defined for the start of a task template, an additional input field is provided for configuring the link. This field allows the And- and Or-linking of conditions. It should be noted that the use of brackets and logical negation is not possible so far. Furthermore, the following rules apply:
The input field can be shown and hidden by clicking on the sum character.
The sum character also provides a tooltip that explains the rules to be followed again.
All declared conditions must be present in the logical operation.
All conditions must be linked by exactly one AND or exactly one OR.
If you do not make their own configuration, all conditions are interpreted by default and-linked.
When logically linking conditions, note that an ampersand implicitly binds more strongly than an or. E.g. 1 AND 2 OR 3 is interpreted as (1 AND 2) OR 3 and not as 1 AND (2 OR 3).
Actions will be executed as soon as the task has been completed in the case.
The following options are available as action:
A notification will be send
If you want to send a message via d.ecs notification after finishing a task, please select this option.
A successor (task) will be started
After completion of a task, a task can be created as successor.
The advanced property will be changed to the following value
After completing a task, an operation property can be changed in d.3.
When creating conditions and actions, please note that several conditions and actions can be stored for each task template. Having used the button Add, the respective entry is inserted into the respective table under conditions or actions and can then be saved in the task template.
If you specify the change of a property below the actions, consider that the affected users have the right to change properties in release. Otherwise, under circumstances problems can occur during the processing of the action and error messages involved can appear.
When creating successor tasks for a predecessor not configured as mandatory, the following task is generated simultaneously to the predecessor.
Organizational units
You manage the organizational units.
Enter the name of the organizational unit in the "Add" input field and press Enter to create it.
You can rename or delete existing organizational units.
When you create a new contract, you can store an organizational unit in the master data area. This allows you to assign your contracts to a specific organizational unit. You can define exactly what your organizational units are. For example, it could be different departments in your company.
As administrator you can define the facets available for the user and the first three are displayed by default in the contract overview.
To do so, do the following:
Navigate to Configuration > Content administration > Facets.
Select Contract facets.
Set the visibility of each facet by using the corresponding slider.
You set the order of the facets by dragging and dropping them onto the icon with the two small lines.
Save to apply the changes.
Delegates (administrative)
The deputy administration for the administrator differs from the Deputy administration for the end user only in that way that the administrator can freely define the user name and can make company-wide delegate arrangements.
Detail tab configuration
You have the option of displaying your own detail tab pages in the contract form in order to display further information to the user or to maintain additional data.
Assuming that you want to manage mobile phone contracts, they certainly require more data than the master data available in dbs | case manager contract. You could simply add them as additional advanced properties to the master agreement, then these properties would appear in the advanced master data section of the contract form. Or you can create a detail tab that stores data in a separate database or in the advanced properties of the contract dossier.
For a detail tab to appear in the contract form, you must enter the detail tab accordingly in the configuration. The logic for when a detail tab should be displayed, for example, only in the contract context or only when selecting a certain contract type, etc., is not configured here. You must program the logic yourself in the detail tab.
If no detail tabs are listed in the detail tab configuration, you can do this directly.
This is how it works
Click on the button +.
Enter the data for:
Name: This name is displayed in the contract form as a section header.
URL: Enter the URL with which the detail tab can be accessed. Note that the details tab must be accessible via d.ecs http gateway. Hence the URL has to start with an '/'.
Height: Specify how much space at height the detail tab should take up. Use only values that are valid for the CSS property 'height' to set the height of a HTML item.
Icon: Specify an icon by entering the name of an icon from Material Design. Possible values can be found at
Initially visible: If you select this, the detail tab is initially visible. The visibility can be changed by the detail tab itself using an API function. If the details tab does not use this function, the details tab is always displayed when initially visible is enabled, else the detail tab is never displayed.
Click on Create.
You also have the option of creating additional tabs by enabling the option Create another detail tab before clicking Create.