Searching and Finding Documents

You can search all document using the full-text search for simple terms or start a refined, combined search. If the documents are unencrypted text documents, we also search the contents of the documents for the entered keywords.

In this article we will briefly introduce you to the different search options.

Searching for simple terms

  1. Enter a keyword (search term) in the search field above the folder structure.

  2. Click on the magnifying glass symbol or press the ENTER key.

The results are displayed in the results list.

Search for documents that must exactly match your keywords

You can search for any number of words that are in the exact order and spelling you are looking for in any documents. You can search by name or even by whole sentences, e.g. "John Doe" or "Simple document exchange in the cloud".

Suppose you are searching for a letter to "John Doe". You want to exclude all documents addressed to "John Deer" and "Jane Doe".

  1. Enter "John Doe" in the search field above the folder structure. You must always enclose the searched keywords in quotation marks.

  2. Click on the magnifying glass symbol or press the ENTER key.

The results are displayed in the results list.

Search for documents containing two keywords at the same time

Suppose you know that in a document the keywords "mail" and "invoice" occur at the same time. However, you want your search to exclude documents that contain either the keyword "document service" or "mail".

  1. Enter mail AND invoice in the search field above the folder structure. You simply link your keywords with AND.

  2. Click on the magnifying glass symbol or press the ENTER key.

The results are displayed in the results list.

Search for documents in which at least one of the keywords occurs

Suppose you want to find all documents that contain either "mail" or "invoice". This type of search works for any number of keywords.

  1. Enter mail OR invoice in the search field above the folder structure. You simply separate your keywords with OR.

  2. Click on the magnifying glass symbol or press the ENTER key.

The results are displayed in the results list.

Search for documents using keywords supplemented by an asterisk as a placeholder

Suppose you know that there are documents in which a certain word occurs. However, you no longer know the exact spelling of the word or you also want to find combinations with the keyword (all words containing the keyword).

  1. Enter invoice* in the search field above the folder structure. The keyword is followed by an asterisk (*). The star serves as a placeholder for any letters.

  2. Click on the magnifying glass symbol or press the ENTER key.

The results are displayed in the results list.


You can use the search with the asterisk in many ways:

  • You can also place an asterisk in the middle of a keyword and replace e.g. umlauts or special characters. For example, you no longer know whether "Meier" is spelled with "ai", "ey" or "ay". In this case, the asterisk will help you. Simply enter M*er in the search field. The same applies to special characters in other languages.

  • You can also search for amounts of money. For monetary amounts, you must replace decimal points or thousands separators with the asterisk. For example, if you want to search for the amount 14.45, enter 14*45.