1. DMS app: Certain routes are no longer available

DMS app: Certain routes are no longer available

Releases & Updates, Developer·December 3, 2024

We would like to hereby inform you that with the release of Current 2025.Q1 (to be released on March 1, 2025) and in the multi-tenant cloud from December 15, 2024, the following routes will no longer be available in the DMS app:

  • .../dms/r/<repId>/o
  • .../dms/r/<repId>/ol
  • .../dms/r/<repId>/om
  • .../dms/r/<repId>/f
  • .../dms/r/<repId>/fl
  • …/dms/r/{repositoryid}/o/{dmsobjectid}/v/{versionid}/b/{blobid}/c

These routes were never part of the public API and therefore do not need to be officially deprecated. In our estimation, these routes have not been used so far. This information is intended for developers and IT administrators who may have used these non-public routes.

Important: This does not affect the project releases for the route /dms/r/{repositoryId}/objdef.

If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact your representative.
