1. Clearing the way for new things – Dashboard for everyone

Clearing the way for new things – Dashboard for everyone

Developer, General, release notes·October 18, 2024

Dear d.velop community,

We are paving the way for new developments! In addition to the start page with the classic view (Home app), the dashboard has also been available for quite some time.

The “new” dashboard offers smart widgets and more personalization options. The new dashboard now covers the complete range of functions that the Home app does. Starting with version Current 2024.Q4, the dashboard app will be the default start page instead of the Home app. However, the Home app is still available, only the interfaces will be inaccessible.

Classic vs. new dashboard:

Classic dashboard view


New dashboard view


Until now, both apps and thus both views were supported. However, now it is time to “break with tradition” and take the next step. With the upcoming release, you will no longer be able to switch to the classic view.

If you have been working with the classic dashboard for a long time, we want to make the transition as easy as possible for you. We have prepared a YouTube tutorial for you called “Optimize your work dashboard – customize and personalize widgets”. (Like the other tutorials, this video was recorded in the cloud and is only available in German.)

Watch the video here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=X1_xw3AGvAM


Important – This change does not immediately discontinue the Home app. Instead, the Home app interfaces are inaccessible. Our goal is to complete the transition to the Dashboard app in a smooth process.

If you currently still need to use the Home app, you can make the Home app accessible again for a limited time using a hidden configuration. This way, you can set the date for the transition yourself. For more information, see these knowledge base articles:

If you would rather prevent users from switching to the classic dashboard before Q4, you can find more information in this knowledge base article: https://kb.d-velop.de/s/article/000002214 (On-premises starting from Current 2024.Q3)

When will the default behavior be changed for everyone?

  • On-premises: Version Current 2024.Q4 (12/01/2024)
  • Cloud: During the fourth quarter
