Dashboard App


Change history

2023-08-01- The property settings.url and the method updateSettings are no longer supported.
- The property content_settings.url and the method setSettingsGetter have been added.

Limiting the number of calls

For all the interfaces, there are limits on the number of calls within specific time frames. If these limits are exceeded, the HTTP status code 429 (too many requests) is returned.

Registering a widget

A widget must be registered with an app session. The section Inter-app communication with app sessions for the identity provider app describes how to issue an app session.

warning: Authentication must take place with a bearer token in the authorization header. Authentication via cookie is not possible.

An app can register widgets only in the app’s own namespace.

You can introduce a new widget for your app as follows using the dashboard app.

Use an HTTP PATCH request for the path /dash/api/widget-registrations/<app-namespace>/<id>. Layout: [a-z-]/[a-z][a-z0-9]. The <id> part after the / must not exceed twelve characters. For example, acme-example/foobar.


PATCH /dash/api/widget-registrations/<appname>/<widgetID>
Accept: application/json
Content-Type: application/merge-patch+json
Authorization: Bearer <AuthSessionId of an app session>

    "widget": {
        "type": "shortcut",
        "title": {
            "en": "My tasks",
            "de": "Meine Aufgaben"
        "subtitle": {
            "en": "My open tasks",
            "de": "Meine offenen Aufgaben"
        "icon": {
            "url": "https://example.com/tasks.svg"
        "target": {
            "url": "/tasks/tasks?filter=foo"
        "query": {
            "badge": {
              "url": "/tasks/tasks?type=badge"

The dashboard app may return the following HTTP status codes:

Status codeNameMeaning
200OKRegistration or update of the widget was successful.
400Widget registration object is invalid
401Not authorizedAuthentication via app session is required
403ForbiddenA widget can be registered only within the internal widget namespace. Please ensure that the first part of the widget registration ID is the same as the app name.
429Too many requestsRate limit was reached.
5XXAn unexpected error occurred.

Properties of the widget registration object

widgetObjectYesSee Widget types for the layout
permissionsObjectNoSee Permissions for the layout

Supported widget types


Use this widget to enable the user to navigate to your app.

Properties of the shortcut widget object
typeStringYesValue for the “shortcut” navigation widget
titleObjectYesSee Language object
subtitleObjectNoSee Language object
icon.urlStringYesURL for an icon (SVG or PNG)
target.urlStringYesURL for the target address (if the target address is to be displayed with the old navigation behavior of d.ecs shell, specify the query parameter oldBehavior=true as well.)
query.badge.urlStringNoSee “Query badge”
override_home_app_feature_idStringNoIf there is already a home app feature for the widget, this field can be used to overwrite this feature with the widget. This way, only one widget is displayed in the catalog.
To do this, specify the ID of the home app feature. If an ID was specified when registering the home app feature, this can be used. Otherwise, the ID is made up of the URL that was specified in features[].url. All slashes are replaced by a minus sign. The ID is then composed as follows: <APP_NAME>-<URL>. For example, for the app foobar with the URL /target/url, the ID is foobar-target-url.
Layout of the query badge object

The following object must be delivered under the query.badge.url specified in the shortcut widget.

badge.countIntegerYesIf the value is greater than 0, a badge is displayed on the widget. Values greater than 99 are displayed as “99+”.


Use this widget to display a list widget.

Properties of the list widget object
typeStringYesValue for “list” list widget
titleObjectYesSee Language object
subtitleObjectNoSee Language object
icon.urlStringYesURL for an icon (SVG or PNG)
target.urlStringYesURL for the target address (if the target address is to be displayed in the old shell, specify the query parameter oldBehavior=true as well.)
query.content.urlStringYesSee List content
query.content.navigationStringNoNavigation adopts the values dapiNavigate, innerSupply or outerSupply. If a value is unknown or undefined, outerSupply is used as the fallback.
footer.urlStringNoURL that is opened in the outer supply of the shell.
footer.labelObjectNoSee Language object


Use this widget to display external content via IFrame.

Properties of the IFrame widget object
typeStringYesValue for the "iframe" IFrame widget
titleObjectYesSee Language object
subtitleObjectNoSee Language object
icon.urlStringYesURL for an icon (SVG or PNG)
target.urlStringYesURL for the target address (if the target address is to be displayed in the old shell, specify the query parameter oldBehavior=true as well.)
size.min_wIntegerNoMinimum width of the widget. Permitted values: 2 ≤ x ≤ 18
size.min_hIntegerNoMinimum height of the widget. Permitted values: 2 ≤ x ≤ 16
source.urlStringYesURL for the HTML resource to be embedded in the IFrame. The URL must be an absolute path reference; that is, it must start with a leading slash / (for example, “/foobar/ressource.html” and not “foobar”)/ressource.html).
content_settings.urlStringNoURL for a configuration page for the IFrame content of the widget. The settings are saved for each widget instance. The URL must be an absolute path preference; that is, it must start with a leading slash / (for example, “/foobar/ressource.html” and not “foobar”/ressource.html).
For more information about widget settings, see Widgeteinstellungen Javascript-API.
settings.urlStringNoDEPRECATED: This property is obsolete. Instead, please use the property content_settings.url.
URL for a configuration page for the widget. The URL must be an absolute path reference; that is, it must start with a leading slash / (for example, “/foobar/ressource.html” and not “foobar”)/ressource.html).

Properties of the language object

Language tagStringSpecify at least one language.

List content

Your app must return the following JSON object under the URL specified for query.content.url.

For better time formatting a request to the url specified in query.content.url will contain a custom header x-dv-timezone-offset. The value is the offset for the clients timezone relative to UTC in minutes, e.g. -60 for german daylight saving time.

entriesArrayYesContains all the list entries. An entry object is specified for each entry.
line_variantStringNoDefines the number of lines per element. If no value is defined, one line is displayed. For two lines, specify the value twoline.
leading_element_typeStringNoDefines the type of the leading element. You can choose between icon or image. If no value is specified, no element is displayed.
trailing_element_typeStringNoDefines the type of the trailing element. You can choose between icon or caption. If no value is specified, no element is displayed.

Entry object

title.textStringYesContains the title of the entry.
title.colorStringNoDefines the color of the title. Please specify the color as a hexadecimal value (for example, #112233).
subtitle.textStringNoContains the subtitle of the entry.
subtitle.colorStringNoDefines the color of the subtitle. Please specify the color as a hexadecimal value (for example, #112233).
fontModeStringNoDefines the font for the text. You can choose between bold or crossed-out.
lead_element.material_iconStringNoDefines the leading icon. The value must be a valid material icon. To use a material icon, set leading_element_type to icon.
lead_element.icon_colorStringNoDefines the color of the leading icon. Please specify the color as a hexadecimal value (for example, #112233).
lead_element.image_urlStringNoURL for an image (SVG or PNG). To use an image, set leading_element_type to image.
lead_element.image_sizeStringNoDefines the size of the image. You can choose between icon, avatar, medium or large.
trail_element.material_iconStringNoDefines the trailing icon. The value must be a valid material icon. To use an image, set trailing_element_type to icon.
trail_element.icon_colorStringNoDefines the color of the trailing icon. Please specify the color as a hexadecimal value (for example, #112233).
trail_element.captionStringNoContains the text to be displayed at the end of the entry. To use a caption, set trailing_element_type to caption.
trail_element.caption_colorStringNoDefines the color of the caption. Please specify the color as a hexadecimal value (for example, #112233).
target.urlStringNoURL that the entry forwards you to when clicked.


You also have the option of specifying permissions for the widget. If you do not specify permissions, widgets are visible to all authenticated users. External users are excluded.

An OR link is used to check whether a user is permitted to view the widget; that is, at runtime, the system checks whether the user is in “group A” OR “group B” OR “group C”.


groupsArrayList of group objects

Group object

valueStringYesUUID (case-insensitive)


    "widget": {
        //... Widget data
    "permissions": {
        "groups": [
                "value": "3E093BE5-CCCE-435D-99F8-544656B98681"

Dashboard Javascript-API

Integrating the dashboard JavaScript API

You can integrate the dashboard JavaScript API in your page as follows.

Create a script tag, add the attribute type="module" to it and use the URL "/dash/api/dashboard_api_v1.js" as the source.

<script type="module" src="/dash/api/dashboard_api_v1.js"></script>

IFrame widget JavaScript API

Available methods

You can access the IFrame widget API methods under window.dashboard.WidgetAPI.<Methode>.

If you want to navigate to a different page, use the method navigateTo(userEvent, url). To ensure that the navigation was triggered by a user, you must specify the appropriate event (e.g. the click event).

window.dashboard.WidgetAPI.navigateTo(userEvent, url)

Outer supply

You can use the method openOuterSupply(userEvent, url) to open a resource in the outer supply. To ensure that the opening of the outer supply was triggered by a user, you must specify the appropriate event (e.g. the click event).

window.dashboard.WidgetAPI.openOuterSupply(userEvent, url)

Widget settings callback

You can use the widget settings IFrame to update the widget. To do so, you must register a callback function using the method setUpdateSettingsCallback(callback). The user can retrieve the callback function by clicking on Save.

function callback(data: unknown) {


Opening the settings

You can open the widget settings using the three-dot icon on the widget. However, you can also open the settings using the method openSettings(userEvent). Here too, the event triggered by the user must be specified.


Saving the settings

The method saveSettings(data) allows you to save the settings for a widget. These settings are saved via the dashboard app for each widget instance. You must be able to convert the settings to JSON and the JSON object must not be larger than 1 kB.


Retrieving the saved settings

You can retrieve the saved settings of a widget instance using the method getSettings(). The method returns a promise for the settings.

const data = await window.dashboard.WidgetAPI.getSettings()

Widget settings JavaScript API

The widget settings are displayed in the navigation drawer in an IFrame. The URL for this IFrame is specified during registration.

Available methods

You can access the widget settings API methods under window.dashboard.WidgetSettingsAPI.<Methode>.

Retrieving the saved settings

You can also retrieve the saved settings of a widget instance using the widget settings API, as with the IFrame widget API.

const data = await window.dashboard.WidgetAPI.getSettings()

Getter function for widget settings

In order to be able to save the settings of the IFrame widget, you must define a getter function for the settings. To do this, use the method setSettingsGetter(getter). The getter function must return the settings of the widget. You must be able to convert the settings to JSON and the JSON object must not be larger than 1 kB.

function getSettings(): unknown {
    return {
        sort: "desc"


Updating the settings

warning: Deprecated: You may only use the method updateSettings if you have used the obsolete property settings.url during registration. If you have used the property content_settings.url, the method is automatically executed when you click Save.

You can notify the IFrame widget about updated settings using the method updateSettings(data).
